Three-Year Reflection of Law Enforcement in Jokowi Era

Author : Humas | Saturday, December 09, 2017 15:41 WIB
Dr. Bambang Widjojanto was explaining about Combating Corruption of the Reformation era.
Coinciding with International Anti-Corruption Day, Saturday (9/12), Post Graduate and Master Program Law Science University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a national conference entitled 2nd National Conference Post Graduate Students of Law 2017 in UMM senate Room.
Carrying "Reflection 3 Years of Law Enforcement Governance Jokowi - JK" theme, it was attended by several field of law, namely Chairman of Master of Law Studies Program of UMM, Moh. Najih, S.H., M.H., Ph.D., Professor of Law Faculty of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Prof. Tata Wijayanta, S.H., M.Hum., Ph.D. and Former Vice Chairman of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for the period 2011-2015, Dr. Bambang Widjojanto.
Along with his book launching entitled "Berantas Korupsi Reformasi", Bambang also shared his experience while serving as KPK Vice Chairman.
According to him, there are concerns that are indirectly related to law enforcement in Indonesia. Some of them are fragmented distribution of power, public space hijacking and mass media and the robbery of natural resources. For Bambang, this is a form of waiver of social welfare and justice.
"The reform order is the antithesis of the new order, but it is now a question whether this reform order is merely a new order that has KPK", he explained.
Meanwhile, Moh. Najih criticized the Nawa Cita program promised by Jokowi-JK couples during 2014 presidential campaign. He said that there are several points related to law enforcement during Jokowi-Jk period which was quite worrying. In addition, the formation of Saber Pungli Task Force (Sapu Bersih Pungutan Liar) is also less effective.
"Saber Pungli task force, according to the data, conducted some excessive supervision activities, so that village apparatus in the use of village funds is not maximal", said Najih.
In line with Najih, Prof. Tata Wijayanta, S.H., M.Hum., Ph.D. also talked about Nawa Cita Jokowi-JK, but more focused on civil law enforcement.
"There are several things that must be addressed in the current law enforcement, such as law enforcement, public law awareness, law quality, unclear laws related to the legal process and the weak implementation of various regulations", explained Tata.
Director of UMM Postgraduate Program, Dr. latipun, M. Kes., expressed his appreciation related to this conference title. Latipun said that in the graduate program, especially in UMM, the teaching and learning process is not enough with the activities in the classroom that is only textual. Moreover, students should also be able to see the phenomenon and the wider problem.
"It's an interesting theme to see performance in law enforcement government that has been running for three years," said Latipun.
This conference was also attended by several university representatives, namely from Universitas Negeri Malang, Trunojoyo Madura University, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Sahid University of Jakarta and Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatra. (ard)


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