UMM International Recognition Accelerated Through KPT Implementation

Author : Humas | Saturday, September 24, 2016 12:31 WIB
Chairman of Higher Education Research and Development Council of Muhammadiyah Prof Dr H Lincolin Arsyad MA spoke about the accelerating of Higher Education Curiculum (KPT). Photo: Disyat/Humas.

THE implementation of higher education curriculum (KPT) as prerequisite for higher education which have been  accelereting international recognition. It was said by the Chairman of Higher Education Research and Development Council of Muhammadiyah Prof Dr H Lincolin Arsyad MA when became the speaker on Friday (23/9) at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).

Lincolin explained, KPT was the program which arranged to create the qualified graduate, then the program ensured the alumnies to have qualification as level  to which has been agreed in  the Framework of Indonesian National Qualification (KKNI). The result of KKNI’s learning contain of 4 elements namely attitudes and values, ability to work, mastery of science, authority and responsibility.

The making of curriculum was the college right, but then must be based on national standards. KPT was developed by each college with reference to the National Standard for Higher Education (SNPT) in every study program that cover the development of intelectual quotient, attitudes, and skills. It was matched to Law No. 12 of 2012 Article 35 Paragraph 1.

"There are  number of measures to assess the internationalization of campus. For example students and lecturers must be diverse in nationalities and cultures, the results of research and its alumni be used in the world market, the high mobilities of students and lecturers in student exchange programs, " Lincolin explained.

UMM, Lincolin continued, has been successful in terms of the diversity of peoples and cultures. This was indicated by the increasing number of foreign students who have been studying at UMM in every year. He then stressed to all of UMM’s lecturers  to increase its productivity in writing.

Lincolin did not deny that the most difficult challenge of KPT was the change of learning method to students. However, his authority has been formulating strategy of KPT implementation. Among them was the establishment of the special team of accelerating KPT implementation.

UMM Vice Rector Prof Dr Syamsul Arifin Msi explained, currently UMM has been completing the KPT’s arrangement in which will soon be implemented in the upcoming 2017. The KPT, he said, there were by given and some were made by ourself like delivered by Lincolin where the reference of preparation based on SNPT. There were three faculties at UMM that have implemented the KPT, namely the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,  the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal husbandry, and the Faculty of Psychology.

UMM was now in clinical phase for journals that were uploaded and indexed by Scopus. He hoped in a short time could increase the number of journals which was indexed by Scopus. In addition, UMM also formed an assistance team to accelerate the profesor academic title. (Ich/han)



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