UMM Rector Inaugurates Student Senate and Student Executive Committee

Author : Humas | Friday, August 16, 2024 05:16 WIB
UMM leadership, Student Senate to Student Executive Committee at the university level (Photo: Naufal PR)

The rotation of the student leaders will continue as time goes by, it also happens in the internal student organization at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Ranging from the Senat Mahasiswa (SEMA) (trans: Student Senate) to the Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) (trans: Executive Student Council) at the university level. Recently, the leadership of the 2024-2025 period of SEMA and BEM UMM was inaugurated on August 15th in the BAU Hall.

Naufal Rizky Firdaus, as Presiden Mahasiswa (Presma) (trans: Student President), explained that the future of the organization that he leads will be focused on research culture. It also aims to support the acceleration of creating innovative products in physical and non-physical forms. As well as supporting UMM's vision, which in 2030 will become a leading university in the development of science, technology, and arts based on Islamic values.

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“Our vision is to realize the UMM BEM as an innovative and adaptive inclusive actualization space with integrity for the advancement of UMM. We directly adapted it from the vision of the white campus. We realize that BEM cannot run individually, so we will support and collaborate together to realize the vision of the university,” he explained.

Naufal advised all students to be proactive in optimizing all facilities provided by the campus. Whether it's in a program, internal organization, Student Activity Unit, research, or community service. Considering that all the provisions gained will be much more than just going to campus and attending lectures in class only.

“Becoming a student requires a lot of things to explore, from leadership, communication, teamwork, and various other soft skills. Keep in mind that it may be very rarely encountered in the classroom. We all know that college is not just about learning text books but preparing ourselves for real life,” he said.

The Chancellor of UMM, Prof. Dr. Nazaruddin Malik, SE, M.Si., emphasized that student organizations can actively participate in building and creating good leaders for the future. There are so many national teachers, thinkers, and scholars who were active in organizations in their youth.

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“Our forerunners like Prof. Dr. K.H. Abdul Malik Fadjar, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P., and others like them. They were also very active in student organizations, and I am optimistic that all of you can be like them,” he said.

Finally, Nazar advised all the functionaries of the internal student organization to be able to become role models for other students and be able to encourage their surroundings to be better. Furthermore, they should be able to build sensitivity to existing social environmental issues and the ability to listen to an aspiration.

“All of you are selected students, fulfill this mandate properly, since your main task is to improve the quality of the academic environment on campus. Also, I emphasize again that you will be seen and become a role model for others,” he said. (Zaf/Faq/Put)



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