Welcoming National Film Day Celebration, the Ministry of Education and Culture Held Watching Film History

Author : Humas | Saturday, March 31, 2018 08:59 WIB
To celebratethe 68th  National Film Day, Ministry of Education and Culture watched film "Ketika Bung di Ende" in Helipad University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Kine Klub UMM is one of the pioneers of cinema in Malang. Kine continuously does various projects. Kine also takes part in welcoming the celebration of the 68th of National Film Day held in the Helipad University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). this event was attended by Nasrullah who is a Special Staff of Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud) in the field of Public Communication. Nasrullah conveyed that film is a culture product that must be preserved to strengthen the nation’s trait. He said, “Ministry of Education and Culture makes film as a culture product, also to strengthen the nation’s character”.

Furthermore, Nasrullah supports the films that are produced by UMM students who join Kine Club or individually. According to him, the quality and the quantity of Indonesian film is better day by day. Film is a economy creative product that attracts young filmmakers especially in Malang. Nasrullah said, “Creative professions will continuously dominate the development of national economy”.

This event was collaborated with the Center of Film Development Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Pusbang Film Kemendikbud RI) and PPPPTK PKn and IPS. When the film “Ketika Bung di Ende” was played, the audiences enthusiastically watched it.

Yuhalisana Kusuma Wardhani, one of the audiences said that she came to watch this film because she likes historical films. She said, “I come to UMM tonight because I want to watch this film”. Historical films are expected to strengthen the nationalism of teenagers especially students. the Chief of Kine Klub UMM, Hafidz Alamudi, explained that film “Ketika Bung di Ende” reminds all young people that Indonesia is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. The trait of the nation will be much stronger by watching this film. Hafidz said, “We want to introduce people that film can strengthen the nation’s character”.

Film “Ketika Bung di Ende” is produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture to appreciate the Indonesian Proclamator, Soekarno. Furthermore, the drama and scenes in this film is expected to make Indonesian people stronger. (lus)



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