Completing the Internship, the Head of Peradi Malang Believes that the Advocate Assistant of the CoE of UMM Can Generate Qualified Alumni

Author : Humas | Tuesday, July 18, 2023 06:45 WIB
Center of Excellent Workshop for Advocate Assistant Professional Class (Photo: Riri PR)

Many law firms find it helpful to have the Center of Excellence (CoE) Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). This was stated by Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Cabang Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia (DPC Peradi) (trans: Chairman of the Branch Leadership Council of the Indonesian Advocates Association) Malang Iwan Kuswardi, S.H. in CoE Internship Workshop and Evaluation for the School of Assistant Advocates, July 15.

"The students who were sent to the various law firms in Malang were very enthusiastic and skillful. Therefore, I am sure that when they complete their internship, they will already have enough provisions to compete in the world of work," he said.

Moreover, Iwan also appreciated the CoE participants who solved many cases assigned during the internship process. They were sent to more than 20 law offices in Malang, several in Surabaya, and Jakarta.

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According to Iwan, CoE Advocate Assistant School must be retained, mainly to guarantee law students' future. The thing that can not be separated from the knowledge that gains from the book is also directly deployed to various cases. They are even invited to the court when facing a case.

"There are several thigs that need to be evaluated to make this CoE can be developed and run even better. However, I think there are only a few because the participants and students are very active in asking questions and implementing the theory obtained," he added.

On the other hand, The Dean of Law Faculty UMM Prof. Dr. Tonggat, S.H. M.Hum. said that he wants to see the concrete outcomes from students who have completed CoE classes. He wanted the program to be well-spent by the participants. Moreover, a maximum of 40 credits of courses will be equivalent through this CoE.

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"This CoE internship is a good intermediary. Mainly Mainly for students to be able to train and prepare themselves to work and continue to become an advocate. Moreover, UMM also has an Pendidikan Khusus Profesi Advokat (PKPA) (trans: Advocate Professional Special Education Program) which has collaborated with Peradi, "he said. (Put/Ri/Wil)



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