Rector of UMM (left) receiving AKU trophy from Suprapto (Right), the Coordinator of Kopertis Region VII East Java. (Rino Anugrawan / Humas UMM) |
University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) kept maintaining its achievement by winning Excellence Campus Award (AKU) 2017 on the Meeting of Private Higher Education Kopertis Region VII East Java at JW Marriot Hotel Surabaya on Wednesday (17/5).
It has been ten years for UMM achieved the first position and set aside some other private universities in Kopertis Region VII in East Java.
Suprapto, the Coordinator of Kopertis Region VII in East Java said, "Congratulations to UMM, however UMM should be careful because many campuses also want this position,"
Furthermore, Suprapto said that there are some points of assessment that make UMM deserve to occupy the first position. The first is, the cooperation between UMM both internally and externally is woven by a university." It’s the way how UMM works internally, regionally, nationally and internationally,"
The second thing is about the quality of governance, quality of teaching staffs, and the quality of the students, whether they only attend the lecture or are also active in other activities. Suprapto said,“ It’s about whether there is or there is no product or achievements”.
UMM continuously occupies the first position and wins AKU Kartika Award which is the award that is given to a university that has won Excellence Campus Award (AKU) for three times continuously. Suparto also said that UMM has to develop many aspects.
Suprapto added, “To be in the first position as UMM, it’s not the time to compete with campuses in East Java, but UMM should compete with the national campuses, even international campuses”.
Rector of UMM, Fauzan, said that that this award is the way for UMM to achieve national recognition. He also said that all academic community of UMM should not be complacent and do not stop to create innovation.
“This should not be interpreted as a final aim but it is a whip to do something more innovative and continue to stick to the work of innovation”
UMM got 766, 80 points and beat Surabaya University in the second position with the acquisition of points of 662.15 while University of Widya Mandala Surabaya is in the third position by getting 613.66 points. (Sil / han)