Strong Synergy Between UMM and APINDO, Cooperate to Train Young Entrepreneurs

Author : Humas | Friday, April 20, 2018 15:22 WIB
 Vice Rector I, Sidik Sunaryo is receiving a souvenir from The Chief of APINDO Gresik, Tri Andhy Suprihartono

It is not enough for students only mastering theory in class. They need practice to compete in industrial reformation nowadays. University of Muhammadiyah Malang is preparing Entrepreneurship Course that must be taken by students.

This course is initiated by Vice Rector I of Students Affairs, Sidik Sunaryo. This is as the follow up of UMM PASTI that is aimed to prepare the readiness of students after graduate. UMM PASTI is a program initiated by the Rector of UMM, Fauzan, which means Graduate in Four Years, Working, and Be Independent.

There are 170 candidates of UMM lecturers and staffs followed Field Study to four big companies in Industrial Area of Gresik (KIG). Sidik Sunaryo said that this visit was an effort of UMM to prepare the students to be entrepreneurs. He said, “Lecturer should explore their knowledge before preparing human resources for industrial reformation.”

UMM chose companies under the Association of Indonesian Entrepreneurs (APINDO) in Gresik, such as PT. Smelting, PT. Indospring, PT. Mortar Utama, and PT. Kelola Mina Laut.

The Chief of APINDO Gresik, Tri Andhy Suprihartono, stated that APINDO Gresik is ready to provide field observation for UMM students who take Entrepreneurship Course. Andhy said, “APINDO will facilitate the field observation for UMM to foster entrepreneurial spirit for students and lecturers,"

Ary Bachtiar, one of the lecturers who joint Field Study admitted that he got so much knowledge that can be implemented in Entrepreneurship course. Ary who is a lecturer of Agribusiness Department of UMM and also a businessman of leather products, said, “This is very beneficial for us as lecturers to teach Entrepreneurship course”. It is possible for lecturers to innovate and stop thinking that the businesses run by students or students should be linear with their educational background. Ary said, “The most important thing is, please stop thinking that business should be linear with the educational background”.

In the future, UMM will arrange cooperation program with APINDO in order to make the field study easier to do. (lus)



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