Fikes UMM Opens Physiotherapy Profession Program in 2018/2019 Academic Year

Author : Humas | Wednesday, May 30, 2018 14:46 WIB
Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) will immediately complete the professional education program. After Ners and Apoteker Profession, the physiotherapy profession will be included in the list of professional education programs owned Fikes UMM.
The implementation of physiotherapy profession education is a follow up of the Regulation of Health Minister (Permenkes) no. 80 of 2013 on the organization of physiotherapy work and practice. It was targeted in 2018/2019 academic year, physiotherapy profession education will begin to receive registration for new students or UMM physiotherapy bachelor graduates.
"We just (strata 1 opened this in 2012 and already graduated one generation. However, the limited of physiotherapy program in in Indonesia makes graduates of bachelor physiotherapy is not allowed to work," explained Head of Study Program who is the team leader of the taskforce of Physiotherapy profession, Atika Yulianti, SST., Ft., M.Fis.
While in Indonesia, at least only five colleges that have physiotherapy profession program. They are Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta (UNISA), Polytechnic of Health (Poltekkes) Solo, Udayana University of Bali, Hasanudin University (Unhas) Makasar, and Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS).
In addition to facilities and infrastructure as a condition of its instrument of establishment, it also takes 12 faculty members with a background of physiotherapist and physiotherapist master with a biomechanics background; Sports; Security, Health and Occupational Health (K3) and others.
"The establishment of physiotherapy profession education program is a challenge, also our land to make physiotherapy more developed again. Students are also expected to introduce physiotherapy to these areas because it is very limited in East Java, unlike in other areas," he said.
One of the efforts is also to support the establishment of this program. Fikes UMM sent its faculty members to a number of universities abroad to take doctoral studies. They were Dimas Sondang Irawan, SST., Ft., M.Fis at Mahidol University Thailand, and Rakhmat Rosadi, SST. Ft., M.Sc. (PT) at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. (ard)


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