Riza Rahman Hakim S.Pi, M.Sc as the Head of Fish Edu Park showing the Bionic technology plants results. (Photo: PR UMM) |
According to the data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesian toddlers are still experiencing nutritional problems. This is a concern for Riza Rahman Hakim, S.Pi, M.Sc, Head of the Fish Edu Park Fisheries Department (Prodi) Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Husbandry (FPP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).
"Indonesia is a large maritime country, too bad if the children are malnourished," he said at Fish Edu Park UMM. According to him, the solution to the problem of nutrition in Indonesia can be overcome by increasing food security from the smallest scope of the family. Riza initiated the One House One Pond or OHOP.
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"This is a concept of narrow land use, especially in urban areas," he said when met on Wednesday (10/23). So, he continued, each house has a fish pond with plants. This lecturer was graduated from Kasetsart University, Thailand in the field of Aquaculture has given birth to three technologies to develop OHOP.
The first technology is Biona, the second is Bionic which has just been refined, and the latest is Ohoponic. Biona is the cultivation of fresh fish from catfish, patin, and tilapia by conditioning the water like their habitat. This was done through the preparation of water, water quality management, and fish feed management.
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Next is Bionic, this technology is a combination of Biona combined with Aquaponic. Bionis is the cultivation of fish and vegetables. "So, fertilizer for vegetables comes from fish manure that pulled up using a machine and then flowed into a pipe that contains roots.”
The pulled up water will fall back into the fish pond below. Practically, through this Bionic technology, there is no need for watering and fertilizing processes. To make vegetables more dense and healthier, Riza provides AB Mix nutrition with the right dosage. Through the refinement of this Bionic technology, the results are very satisfying.
The latest technology from OHOP is Ohoponic. This is a very practical hydroponic farming technology. No need soil and watering, vegetables keep on growing and can be harvested. Riza hopes the technology that he initiated in the development of the OHOP program can be applied by urban communities.
Riza emphasized that OHOP technology is easy and practical to improve food security in Indonesia, especially in providing adequate nutrition for families, this technology is good. Vegetable leaves like water spinach, spinach and lettuce were wide and very dense. "The good thing is water spinach, it can be harvested every two weeks," he said. (joh)