Three UMM Products Achieved Medals at International Exhibition

Author : Humas | Thursday, October 05, 2017 14:55 WIB


Lecturer of Informatics Engineering UMM, Lailatul Husniah, MT (two from left) was at international exhibition in Malaysia.

UNIVERSITY OF Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) re-triumph on the international stage, because of its gait in the field of innovation and invention. UMM through Intellectual Property Rights Center (Sentra HKI) successfully won four awards at Inventory, Innovation & Design Exposition (IIDEX) 2017 in Malaysia, which one is gold award, silver award and bronze award for inventor and one silver award for elevator pitch.

IIDEX is an annual exhibition and international competition held by Universitas Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia. This year IIDEX takes the theme "Innovate to Inspire", which is intended to realize research and innovation that is aligned with the national higher education strategic plan in hooking the commercialization industry.

The target, according to Lailatul Husniah MT who became one of the delegations, this not only to improve the innovation between learners and researchers, but also to build academic and industrial collaboration as the commercialization of innovation and invention. The IIDEX 2017 was held on September 25-29 and followed by more than 700 participants consisted of three categories, namely junior invertor (SD and SMP), young inventor (SMA) and inventor (staff and lecturer).

Interestingly, initially UMM delegation did not target to win medals in the event. "Actually the target is not the award, but the market potential for industry and its commercialization, considering the event brings together inventors and industry," said lecturer of Informatics Engineering UMM, Lailatul Husniah MT, who became one of three delegations Sentra of HKI UMM.

In the event, the android game product "Professor Lenmo" as a measuring tool of learning modalities created by Lailatul Husniah won two awards, bronze award for inventor category and silver award for special award, which is elevator pitch category.

In addition to Lailatul Husniah, the delegation of UMM was also lecturer of Informatics Engineering, Galih Wasis Wicaksono MSc, with the innovation of computer program "Monitoring System 3 kg LPG and Mobile Based Transaction System" which serves to monitor the distribution of LPG 3 Kg through website based and transaction data through mobile apps. It won gold award category inventor. In addition, there were also UMM Accounting lecturer, Dr. Ihyaul Ulum M.Si AK CA, who received silver award because of his work, Intellectual Capital.

According to Lailatul Husniah, the award was obtained due to various aspects, including in terms of novelty, benefits, and commercialization. Moreover, the awards were previously obtained until the scientific publication. "For example, if it is ever published in prestigious journals, it will have great value. Moreover, the HKI has been registered," she explained. (ard)



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