The UMM KJI-KBGI Team is optimistic to win in Bandung

Author : Humas | Thursday, November 19, 2015 20:23 WIB

       Three student teams of University of Muhammadyah Malang will compete in Indonesia Bridge Competence and Indonesia Building Competence (KJI-KBGI) 2015. This national level competence will be held at University of Kristen (UK) Maranatha Bandung, November 19-22. The three teams are Castarica Surya for steel bridge category, Surya Nagendra for arc bridge category, and Surya Wirasena for building category.

       The Vice Dean III of Engineering Faculty, Ir. Alik Ansyori Alamsyah, MT, said that he is optimist to win this year. “We have evaluated last year failure so that we are optimist to win this year,” he asserted.

        He added that the judges will look at the speed of designing the bridge and building. “Fast is necessary but we have to consider the durability and the material used,” as asserted by this Civil Engineering lecturer.

       Ansyori expects that besides winning the KJI-KBGI 2015, the gained experience during the competence will help the students in their future.

       UMM won the competence in 2009-2011. UMM won the steel bridge category for 2 consecutive years in 2009 and 2010, and won the arc bridge category in 2011. The Grand Champion of KJI will have Reka Cipta Titian Indonesia cup while the Grand Champion of KGBI will have Reka Cipta Griya Indonesia cup. (zul/han/t_rfd)



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