Material explanation about the basic of circumcision by dr. Thontowi Djauhari N.S., M.Kes |
Circumcision is one of the competences that must be mastered by doctors and nurses, including diagnosing and doing this minor surgery. Circumcision should be done for boys especially they who worship religion.
Moreover, circumcision has many advantages, such as reducing the risk of urinary tracts infection. A man who has done circumcision will be easier to clean up his intimate area.
Semi-Autonomous Student (LSO) Medical Student of UMM (TBMM) Nurul Qolbi Medical Faculty UMM held a seminar and workshop (semwork) Circumcision 2018 under the theme “The ACT of Circumcision, Active Comprehensive Integrative in GKB IV Hall on Sunday (15/4).
The participants were medical students, doctors, nurses, and public from East Java. The speakers were dr.Thontowi Djauhari NS.MKes, dr.Moch.Aleq Sander, M.Kes, Sp.B, FINACS, and Ns.Faqih Ruhyanudin, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB. The moderator was dr.Aulia Syafitri Damayanti.
The Chief Executive of the event, Faiz Hermawan, said that the participants gained knowledge and saw the right process of circumcision practiced by the expert. Faiz, “It is expected that the participants will know the newest techniques and the right process of circumcision. Later, ten participants in a group will have a practice how to circumcise by using mannequin accompanied by experts”.
The coach of TBMM Nurul Qolbi Medical Faculty UMM, dr.Thontowi Djauhari NS, MKes as one of the speakers said that no matter what technique used, the important thing in circumcision is cleanliness. There are some techniques can be used in circumcision, such as laser technique or flash cutter, klamp, and bipolar tech. dr.Thontowi said, “No matter what technique used, there is no guarantee that the patient will not be in pain, because every wound takes time for healing”.
Furthermore, dr.Thontowi said that one more important thing in circumcision is psychology and psychosocial factor that needs to be considered by doctors, nurses, and others. (lus)