UMM was a Form of Enlightening Actualization of Religion

Author : Humas | Thursday, February 07, 2019 15:51 WIB
Sa'ad Ibrahim Chairman of Muhammadiyah of East Java Regional. (Photo: Rino / PR)

Fifty years ago, there were some people passing on a high cliff. Some of these people were looking at the land right below it. At that time this land was known as land that did not sell, even often said this land was a place where invisible creatures resided. Gloomy.

"Some of these people agreed to buy this land. Then, this land became enlightened to become the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM, ed.), "Said Sa'ad Ibrahim, chairman of Muhammadiyah of East Java Regional in his speech at the National Workshop on Thursday (1/7).

Thus said Saad, this historical explanation is the easiest way to explain the theme of Tanwir Muhammadiyah in Bengkulu, February 15-17 2019, "Enlightening Religion". Saad told how the story behind UMM Campus III located on Jalan Raya Tlogomas was built.

Saad then explained that Tanwir's spirit must continue to be stirred up. He told in 1923 students KH. Ahmad Dahlan named Kiai Badawi actualized his understanding of the Quran. Primarily related to the phrase Prophet Ibrahim AS which was enshrined in Ash-Syu'ara verse 80.

This verse said, "And when I am sick, He heals me." Based on its content, Kiai Badawi did not only want to understand and interpret, but Kiai Badawi wanted to make it happen in a concrete form through the establishment of the first hospital belonging to Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta.

One year after the establishment of this first hospital, which was in 1924, there was also another Muhammadiyah hospital in Surabaya. Long story short, continued Saad, the term Tanwir or enlightenment had become a Muhammadiyah culture since the early days of the establishment of the Muhammadiyah organisation in the past. (Win)



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