To Develop SDGs, UMM Collaborates with a Company in Singapore

Author : Humas | Monday, July 17, 2023 06:50 WIB
The portrait of Aldirn Tee, the Founder of TSP, with Prof. Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd., in signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). (Photo by Wildan PR of UMM)

The University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is moving quickly to develop regional potential and spread benefits to others. Most recently, UMM has collaborated with T.S.D Consulting LLP from Singapore. Both parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on July 17 and formulated various programs and innovations. 

Aldirn Tee, the Founder of TSD, explains that his team has a mission to solve the world’s issues—including achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, it is not limited to SDGs; this collaboration focuses on other main points: environmental, social, and governmental. 

“We have established partnerships with many countries, such as the Philippines, Brazil, India, Taiwan, etc. Overall; we have dozens of countries and more than 50 partners throughout the world,” explained Aldirn.

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Aldirn asserts that this collaboration is expected for both parties to exchange knowledge and experience in addition to cooperating and positively impacting the world. Hence, this collaboration can greatly impact universities, governments, and commercial businesses. 

One of the aspects mentioned by Aldirn is the community of mangrove tree protection in Tuban. The community was formed after collaborating with schools and Ali Mansur, the founder of Mangrove Center, who initiated the center 30 years ago. The next plan is that they not only revitalize the community in Tuban but also in various regions.

Aldirn also thinks that collaboration with UMM becomes a superb step. Many sectors can be improvedmainly in creating spin-off programs: goods and services. “Most research is kept in libraries and gives no significant impact. Therefore, we will collaborate with a company to create actual products and servicesnotably with the Center of Excellence (CoE) program,” said the founder of TSD.

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On the other hand, the Head of the CoE of UMM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Damat, MP. IPM., said that the collaboration scope is vast. One of the applicable aspects is the research and service activities of UMM, like developing a micro-hydro power plant, land productivity, and excessive use of pesticides. 

“There will undoubtedly be a further discussion so that we can formulate concrete ideas and implement them directly,” ended the Head of the CoE. (imh/wil)



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