Lasting for 2 days, Friday and Saturday (21-22/8), University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) will hold UMM 1st International Conference on Pure and Applied Research (ICoPAR 2015). The conference will raise theme about the readiness of environmental sustainability for the future humanity.
UMM Rector Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP explained that this conference is intentionally held as a response of current precious issues in many international forums, global warming. “The global warming has become serious problem for future universe,” he said.
He hoped, this conference could provide number of solutions related to various problems of environmental sustainability that will significantly decrease the global warming and lead to better living quality.
ICoPAR Chief Committee, Dr. Vina Salviana DS, M.Si reported that this event would be participated by 205 researchers from 12 countries in which 102 researchers among them are taking social science concern, and the rest are taking exact science ones. “The selected papers will be presented in the conference and later be published as International Journals.”
According to Director of Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM UMM) Prof. Dr. Ir. Sujono, M.Kes, various topics raised in ICoPAR are relevant to big 5 themes in UMM: sustainability in environment and energy, food, health, social and humanities, and education and psychology.
The conference will also present several names to deliver scientific speech: President Moderator Asian Conference of Religion Peace (ACRP) Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin, Head of Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Prof. Dr. Ir. Iskandar Zulkarnain, Georgian Ambassador HE Zurab Aleksidze, the lecturer of Pusan National University of South Korea Dr. Rio Yamaguchi, and the lecturer of Singapore Polytechnic Dr. Noel Kristian. (han/t_stu)