Mobilizing Its 3 Flagship Cars, UMM Entertained Elementary Students in Gresik

Author : Humas | Friday, April 14, 2023 07:16 WIB
The portrait of SD Muhammadiyah 2 GKB students after watching a movie on the Mobile Cinema Car of  UMM. (Photo by Yafi PR of UMM)

Ramadan is the moment for the University of Muhammadiyah Malang team to visit various regions. Recently, alongside the representative of Rumah Baca Cerdas Malik Fadjar, they visited SD Muhammadiyah 2 GKB, Gresik, on April 13, 2023. There, UMM invited children to tell stories, play games, learn new skills, and read provided books on the Kamis Membaca (Trans: Thursday Reading) Cars and Bakti terhadap Bangsa (Trans: Service to the Nation) Cars.  The team even closed the agenda by watching an educative film on the mobile cinema car of UMM.

Those sets of activities were greatly appreciated by the Vice Principal of Education and Character Building Affairs of the SDM 2 GKB, Aditama, S.Pdi. In his view, various games and events made children enthusiastic about participating. Not only just playing, but the students can take suitable lessons and values from this program.

“Coincidentally, the visitation of UMM coincided with our agenda, Funtastic Ramadan. This collaboration can naturally make students enthusiastic about enlivening the moment of Ramadan with positive activities. Hopefully, these 3 unique and attractive cars of UMM can visit other regions to entertain and educate children,” wishes he. 

On the other hand, the Head of the Public Information Services Division, Maharina Novia Zahro, M.Ikom. says that her team intentionally has designed some programs. Then, children are expected not to feel bored with a monotonous performance. The agenda included a character-based snake ladder game, a doll-based story-telling activity, disaster mitigation, and a local children’s movie screening.

“Alhamdulillah, the children feel enthusiastic about following the event from the day until the night. We have also prepared sets of door prizes for those who actively participated, played, and learned together. Hopefully, it can give a positive and exciting impression on children.” adds she.

The woman known as Maharina admits that these 3 flagship cars of UMM have departed to miscellane regions such as Madura, Madiun, Probolinggo, Gresik, etc.. with various situations like visiting schools, entertaining disaster survivors, or establishing collaboration. Indeed, the cars aim to give literacy and educative activities to multiple groups of people.

Enthusiasm also is shown by the SDM 2 GKB students. One of them is Callysta Mozza Fahrudi. She participating feels excited and impressed about this event. Callysta can enjoy many fun games and eye-catching storybooks, and so can disaster mitigation material presented interestingly.

“It was so fun; hopefully, the students of UMM can return to our school again. Presenting a new material, providing a new game and another funny movie. The film made my friends and me laugh loudly because it was fun,” ends the student. (imh/wil)



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