UMM Achieves the World Three Star Campus Predicate

Author : Humas | Friday, July 02, 2021 14:47 WIB
UMM successfully won the title of three-star campus. (Photo: Special)
To strengthen internationalization steps, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has won the title of a three-star campus from the QS Stars institution. The predicate was successfully achieved by UMM on Thursday (24/6). This achievement complements the international recognition that UMM has previously received, such as UniRank and AUN-QA.
Special Assistant to the Chancellor for International Accreditation of UMM, Drs. Suparto M.Pd. explained that QS Stars is an annual university ranking publication conducted by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). The QS scoring system consists of all aspects and subjects of a global ranking, alongside independent regional leagues (Asia, Latin America, Europe, and Central Asia, Arab Region, and BRICS). This ranking is the only international ranking that has received approval from an international ranking institution and is at the same level as the Academic Ranking of World Universities and Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
Suparto explained that there are two QS Stars assessment models, namely rating and ranking. The three stars achieved by UMM this time were the result of the rating assessment based on several aspects. “There are eight aspects that this institution looks at. Starting from facilities, internationalization, teaching, employability, teaching, academic development, program strength, social responsibility, and inclusiveness," said Suparto.
According to him, this three-star title has many benefits for universities, especially UMM. One of them is UMM's academic standing and recognition at the world level. In addition, it is also to facilitate the way of cooperation with universities and other international institutions. Even with the ease of attracting international students.
Suparto considered that this step was in line with the international program that UMM had launched. For example, UMM's efforts to improve international accreditation and certification, build cooperation, service, and international publications. "Now UMM is in the third phase, namely obtaining international recognition. Therefore, we will continue to work hard to achieve the title of a world-class university,” said Suparto.
In line with Suparto, UMM Vice-Chancellor 1, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc. revealed that one of the major frameworks for UMM's achievements was internationalization. Mainly recognition obtained from government agencies, non-government, and campuses at the international level. Likewise with certification, rating, and accreditation bodies.
Syamsul considered that UMM had a long history in the world of education. It has been almost 60 years since White Campus has been involved in educating the nation. According to Syamsul, it was time for UMM to get recognition at various levels, both nationally and internationally.
Responding to the five-star achievement for the employability and facilities sub-category, Syamsul emphasized that it was the result of a long process that had been designed for a long time. The Merdeka Learning Campus Independent Program (MBKM) from the Minister of Education and Culture also accelerated the process. "As a university with the title of the world's number one Islamic campus according to UniRank's version, UMM certainly has a strong effort in running MBKM to be able to deliver its graduates to a good world of work," he said.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UMM, Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. grateful for the three-star predicate obtained. According to him, this predicate is good enough and can be a strategic international recognition. Even so, UMM will continue to improve various aspects to be able to get a five-star predicate soon.
Fauzan also revealed that this result was proof of appreciation from QS Stars (an institution based in London, England) for the various improvements that UMM had made in several lines. Even though it has won five stars in the aspect of facilities, UMM is still determined to continue to build various other supporting facilities based on functional principles.
Meanwhile, the achievement of a five-star predicate on the employability aspect of UMM, according to Fauzan, cannot be separated from the learning climate at UMM which continues to be developed to increase absorption. So that graduates are ready to compete in a wider world of work. "A good absorption will be better if it is accompanied by a good speed," he concluded. (wil)


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