Malang Social Affair Chief Dra Sri Wahyuningtyas MSi on Guest Lecture of Social Welfare Science (Kesos) UMM. Photo: Distya/Humas. |
SOSIAL issue in Malang is quite complicated. Type of social welfare issues (PMKS) include vagrants, beggars, street childrens, child abuse, sexual violence, education and economic matter. Malang Social Affair Chief, Dr Sri Wahyuningtyas, M.Si said number of street childrens has increasingly growed and came not just from Malang but from different regions.
According to data of Social Affair (Dinsos) number of poverty in Malang City achieved 36,000 (people), 227 street childrens, 1800 both vegrants and beggars and 5 natural disaster victims. It was delivered by Sri Wahyuningtyas on a Guest Lecture of Social Welfare Science (IKS) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) entitled " Portrait of Social Issue in Malang City" held at UMM Theater Dome, Thursday (17/11).
Unfortunately, Sri said the Dinsos just have 5 workers. This is not balance if compared to the number of existance issues. Therefore, Yuyun hoped IKS UMM could be Cititzen Assistant in order to implement program that ha s been designed by Dinsos nor Ministry of Social Welfare (Kemensos). Those program include Home Uninhabitable renovation (RTLH), Hope Family Program (PKH), Together , Business Community (Kube) similarly to add facilities and infrastructure of environment.
"Some of assistant's duty for instance controller of pregnant mother health to check the womb routinely at Community Health Centre (puskesmas). If there was familiy which has schoolchild whether has actived. Then for Kube's program also to accompany whether the fund downgraded by the kemensos was used appropriately. Either Succes or failure both Dinsos and Kemensos program based on the level of assistence which was done" Yuyun Stated.
Responding to these issues, the Dean of IKS UMM, Dr Oman Sukmana, MSi spell out that the students of IKS would focussed to handle the social issues in Great Malang. The student who would do the practice, research, essay, would be directed in Great Malang. Until now the graduate of IKS Department UMM has worked at Dinsos and Kemensos office.
"Its orientation in 5 things. The student would be prepared to be social policy analyst, social worker of citizen/community, manager of social service agencies, psycho-social counselor and social researcher. The Graduate of IKS not just to work physical environment, but non-physical environment too, behavior, social life and citizen economic" Oman concluded.