UMM Website Number 10 in the World

Author : Humas | Thursday, December 17, 2015 17:34 WIB

Again, the website of University of Muhammadyah Malang reaches world best 10 openness aspect (Google Scholar) on Webometrics in the middle 2015 period. As we know, “The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities” is one of university ranking systems. The Webometrics Ranking itself is done by Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of Consejo Superior de Invenstigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) in Spain. This organization cooperates with other institutions from Spain R&D system (universities, autonomous regulator, public research organizations, and many more) and social, economy, national and international agents which contribute in research, human resource, and even materials used for developing the research project or just giving consultation and the support in both scientific and technical. CSIC was founded in 1939 from its previous group, Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas founded in 1907 and Prof. Ramón y Cajal was its First President.

Ranking Web or Webometrics is the biggest academic ranking of Higher Education Organization. Since 2004 there has been independent, objective, transparent, scientific ranking done by Cybermetrics Lab (Spanish National Research Council) in every six months. The purpose of the ranking is to inform the performances of the official website of all universities around the world.

There are 4 ranking aspects: Presence (the number of pages) 10% worth, Impact (visibility, number of external links) 50% worth, Openness (number of PDF files counted by Google Scholar) 10% worth, and Excellence (number of scientific files cited by Scimago) 30% worth. Every aspects will be rank partially then counted cumulatively for ranking the universities.

Based on the ranking released in the middle of 2015, UMM website couldn’t be categorized as good. However, UMM website successfully reached best 10 in Openness aspect under Cornell University, Tel Aviv University. University of Hongkong, Masatyl University in Brno, Open University UK, Universiade de Sao Paulo USP, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Gunadarma, and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. The best 10 Openness 2015 ranking can be accessed in this* and in this picture below.




This achievement proves that UMM is already in international level and going to pursue for World-Class University. There are still 3 more aspects to increase, especially in visibility aspect which worth of 50%, so UMM will be categorized good overall. (Inf/t_rfd)




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