Branch of Bank Jatim Malang Chief Suci Issumiyati handed a symbol of key to UMM Rector Fauzan in front of UMM Rectorate Building as sign of smart car giving. |
MODIFICATED car with library concept or branded with "Smart Car" became an increased sign of cooperation between University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) and the Bank of East Java (Bank Jatim). This car was given symbolically by Bank Jatim to UMM Rector Fauzan, Monday (13/3) in front of UMM Rector Building.
Branch of Bank Jatim Malang Chief Suci Issumiyati explained that the giving of one car-type OB Van was part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program of Bank Jatim through the 'Bank Jatim Care' program. UMM as a partner that has long been working with Bank Jatim was trusted to manage the funds of CSR.
"The giving of car is a form of responsibility as well as our dedication to educate the people," Suci said.
The giving will be followed up through a collaborative program between the Directorate of Research and Community Services (DPPM) of UMM and Central Libraryof UMM.
Met on the same occasion, the Rector of UMM expressed his appreciation to the Bank Jatim in supporting literacy movements of Indonesian, especially people of East Java. Moreover, Fauzan delivered his gratitude to the Bank Jatim, that has supported the mission of UMM 'From Muhammadiyah for the Nation'.
Regarding to the offering of establishment of Bank Jatim Corner at UMM, Susi responded it positively. He ensured that the establishment of central banking studies at UMM will going to be realized within the near future. (Naz)