UMM to Prepare International Accreditation by Inviting the Assessors of AUN-QA

Author : Humas | Friday, November 20, 2015 18:14 WIB

Programs in University of Muhammadyah Malang prepare to have an international accreditation. It is as targeted by the Rector that Programs in UMM have to have their international accreditation following the UMM which has achieved an A predicate by BAN PT.

      The accreditation preparation prepared by Accreditation Administrator and Controller Office (KPPA) UMM by holding workshop of the introduction and accompaniment of international accreditation of ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) on Friday, November 20. The workshop attended by all Department Chiefs of UMM invited an assessor of AUN-QA who also serves as Chief of Academic Quality Assurance Office (KJM) University of Gadjah Mada (UGM). Dr. Leni Sophia Heliani, M.Sc.

       Leni thought that a university should get many advantages if the departments and its institute have already been accredited by AUN-QA. “The accredited universities can be the part of associate member along with more than 30 universities in South East Asia,” Leni asserted.

       Another advantage, said Leni, is the integrated library between the members. “The interesting part, is, a university can have credit transfer between the member university. Not only we can take in the students from another country but also send our students to another AUN country,” she said.

       According to Leni, AUN-QA is the way to equalize the quality of South East Asia universities with another regional universities. “The AUN’s spirit is creating solidarity, cooperation, and education collaboration among ASEAN countries,” she asserted.

       The Head of KPPA UMM, Dr. Ainur Rofieq, M.Kes, stated that the preparation of international accreditation is to realize the UMM vision of going world class university in 2022. “To start the AUN-QA, some of the UMM departments’ representatives are undergoing training in preparing this international accreditation,” Rofieq asserted.

       Besides AUN-QA, KPPA UMM is also preparing the departments in Engineering Faculty to have their international accreditation from Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) based in Los Angeles, US. Some of the Engineering Faculty departments, said Rofieq, will depart soon in preparing the accreditation.

       The Rector of UMM, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.AP, stated that after receiving accreditation “A” for the institute, UMM is focusing to another level. One of the means is that the Rector had already ask every departments to get to know another universities that had already done their benchmarking also to open the wider cooperation chance with those universities.   

       The Rector also said that UMM has been already recognized as the 11th rank from Webometric Ranking of World University, and getting 2 star from Q-Star. “We will work on not only the institution but also all departments which get recognized in the future so all departments have to compete each other to get good predicate,” Rector asserted.

       There are only four universities which had already been accredited by AUN-QA. The four universities are UGM, UI, UNAIR, and ITB. While there are only three universities, namely BINUS, IPB, and ITB which had already been accredited by ABET. (zul/han/t_rfd)



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