EVERY year, students and lecturers of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) commemorate Teacher’s Day with a unique celebration. Thousands of students, employees and lecturers, especially those who are studying at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FKIP), sang "Hymne Guru" together in the courtyard of UMM I Building (GKB I) Building and balconies on each floor.
The celebration held on Monday (27/11) was the initiation of FKIP UMM together with Student Executive Board of FKIP UMM. The ranks of academic community and students of Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program, English Education, Mathematics Education, Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD), Civic Law and Comparative Islamic Education wear batik attributes and met the building.
Vice Dean I of FKIP, Sudiran said that there are three challenges that teachers must face, namely the quality of teachers, equity, and their welfare. Sudiran explained, the quality of teachers should continue to be improved, one of them through Professional Teacher Education program (PPG) that can be followed by students after completing the undergraduate level. While the distribution of teachers, continued Sudiran, can be done through Educational Scholars in the Front, Outermost, and Disadvantaged program (SM3T).
The third challenge related is to the welfare and prosperity of teachers who are uneven in Indonesia. "We are all here called to commemorate National Teachers' Day in order to help the welfare of teachers through the efforts we can make. The banyan tree in the jungle, the tree towering over the clouds. Be the teacher of the nation hoped, because the lightening teacher of civilization," concluded Sudiran while having poem.
The atmosphere rushed as teachers and students simultaneously sang "Hymne Guru". After that, it was followed by reading poetry by Fatin Naja, student of English Education Prodi. Through this event, Vice Dean III FKIP, Rohmad Widodo advised that students have to be able to live the values of Teacher's Day commemoration in order to become a professional teacher.
"UMM students should be able to meet the four competencies of professional teachers, that is pedagogic, professional, social and personality so that the current shortage of teachers can be fulfilled by FKIP UMM students later," said Rohmad.
Meanwhile, Chairman of BEM FKIP, Ahmad Rofiuddin admitted the celebration of National Teacher Day is a reflection for himself and other FKIP students about teacher’s struggle and how to become a teacher in the future.
The same thing was expressed by Lia as a five semester student of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program.
"Hopefully this warning will become a culture in UMM so that our FKIP students will continue to be reminded of the services of teachers, because without them, without teachers, there might be no other professions," Lia said. (ard)