Muhammadiyah Youth of UMM Contributed Thought to Progress Indonesia

Author : Humas | Saturday, March 07, 2020 12:03 WIB
Haedar Nashir when delivering a speech. (Photo: special)

Muhammadiyah Young Intellectual Network University of Malang Muhammadiyah (UMM) through the Muhammadiyah Young Scholar (CMM) held the Interdisciplinary National Colloquium, Friday (6/3). The event, which was collaborated with the Muhammadiyah Youth Intellectual Network (JIMM), was held at Sengkaling Convention Hall UMM, 6-7 March 2020. The event welcomed the Muhammadiyah Congress 48th entitled "Consolidation of Muhammadiyah Youth to Promote Indonesia and Brighten the Universe".

In the speech of UMM Rector, Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. argued that the Young Scholars of Muhammadiyah had to have national resonance and responsibility. "Not only good at thinking and ideas but must be good at executing brilliant ideas. This colloquium is only the beginning, "he said. He hoped that young scholars would be able to escort Muhammadiyah to continue to thrive.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Prof. Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Si. which also opened the event appreciated the agenda in order to contribute scientifically in welcoming the Muhammadiyah Congress 48th in Solo in 2020.

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"I appreciate this event because I am sure Muhammadiyah scholars have a strategic role to bring Muhammadiyah to survive and take part in the future," Haedar said.

Haedar argued that Muhammadiyah scholars must be able to spawn new and substantive alternative offers that could guide the course of human life. The context that Haedar emphasized was the problem of nationality and diversity, which Muhammadiyah responded to with the idea of Darul Ahdi Was Syahadah.

"Muhammadiyah scholars must enrich alternative dimensions of how to fill the ideals of the founding fathers with Islam without threatening the existence of 'the others'. For that, you have to enrich your reading and expand relationships, muhasabah continuously, "Haedar ordered.

The event was interspersed with the symbolic launching and submission of the book "From Muhammadiyah to the Nation", which was submitted by UMM Vice-Rector II Dr. Nazarudin Malik, M.Si. the General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Centre Prof. Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Si. This book was a book version of the Muhammadiyah Studies journal.

The next public lecture, as well as opening the program, was delivered by the Coordinator of the Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P. "There are already young people in Muhammadiyah who are trying to set things right with research and in-depth reports. This is very good because out there is a trend of not persevering. Many Muhammadiyah youths also want to practical politics but what is present here, God willing, is not like that, "said Muhadjir.

According to Muhadjir, among young people, there were structural and spatial inequalities, so there had to also be a mapping of inequality among Muhammadiyah young people. Did not let, the majority of young people of Muhammadiyah still experienced inequality.

Participants who attended the opening ceremony were no less than 200 people. The participants of the National Colloquium were delegates from various regions, including Kalimantan, Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara and Papua. This variety of participation was important to create a network of scholars and maintain the distribution of scholarship in Muhammadiyah. (win)



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