The UMM Psychology Laboratory Team gave an introduction before the test was conducted for 5th graders of SDN 2 Pandansari |
Selorejo Village, Ngantang District, Malang Regency is well known for its beautifull reservoir. But don't forget, this area is also a Disaster Prone Area (KRB). In the tragedy of the eruption of Kelud Mountain in 2014, this area was included as an affected area where activities were totally paralyzed.
Given this background, today (9/8), carrying the concept of Psychoeducation Thursday Reading Car (KaCa Car) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) visited a school that was very close to the location of the reservoir, namely SDN 2 Pandansari. When a disaster occured, the teaching and learning process in this school would be stopped completely.
UMM's KaCa Car Operational Coordinator, Ridlo Setyono, said that the arrival of the smart car team was to eliminate the children's anxiety, especially students who were in grades 4 and 5, who had been sitting in class one.
"We do psychological tests to convince children that they have potential. After the results will be announced next week, hopefully, they will at least have the determination to achieve their goals. So, if one day there is a disaster, their dreams will remain strong," he added.
Improving the mission, the KaCa Car Team collaborated with UMM Psychology Laboratory Team. There were two tests conducted, namely the Multiple Intelligence Questionnaire (MIQ) and the Learning Style Scale. According to Istiqomah, M.Sc., the coordinator of UMM Psychology Team, the MIQ test will be useful to know the students' potential. Therefore, the students can be directed well to develop good potential.
While the Learning Style Scale Test, said UMM Psychologist, will be able to help detect the way students learn in order to absorb lessons well. There are three types of learning characters that can be known by this test, the first is the kinesthetic category which tends to use movement assistance to facilitate understanding. The second is visual categories which is the way of learning through pictures or writing and the third is the auditory category which is learning that will be easily accepted if it is assisted by sound or teacher's explanation.
"We will also submit the results of the tests to teachers and parents so that they can also participate in guiding and maximizing their children's potential," said Istiqomah.
As always, the 'KaCa' car has always been a favorite place because there are many reading books for children. In addition, there is also an English for Young Leaener (EYL) learning with a fun method and the screening of the prophet story that is quite interesting for the students.
Principal of Pandansari Elementary School 2, Sri Wahyuni expressed his happiness to see the students enthusiastically participating in this activity. "We have a library and literacy corner as a facility for students who want to read. However, the arrival of UMM KaCa Car, we feel that it will increase students' interest in reading," closed Sri Wahyuni. (ard)