To Spread the Spirit of Pancasila, President Jokowi Scheduled to Visit UMM
Author : Humas | Friday, June 02, 2017 17:14 WIB
Thousands of new students of UMM created flashmob formation "Love UMM, Love Indonesia" as symbol of the national campus. (UMM Public Relations) |
PRESIDENT Joko Widodo was scheduled to attend the Ramadhan 1438 Hijriah Islamic Preaching of Muhammadiyah Regional Executive (PWM) East Java, which will be held on Saturday, June 3 at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). The arrival of the president during the Pancasila’s Week, was a momentum to strengthen the Muhammadiyah’s role, which has reached a century.
UMM Rector Fauzan said that the arrival of the President was in line with the spirit of Muhammadiyah, which affirmed the Pancasila state as darul-ahdi wasy-syahadah. "Darul-ahdi means that our country is the result of national consensus, over ethnics, religious, and even political and group powers. While darusy-shahadah affirmed that this homeland was a proof of an independence of Indonesia, which must be safeguarded together to become a prosperous, justice and dignified country."
Moreover, added the Rector, if it was seen through the historical side, before the independence of Indonesia, Muhammadiyah has helped out in building of nation’s foundation and fighted for an independence. "The red thread that we try to strengthen. Moreover, UMM was one of Muhammadiyah's charities in education that has strengthened itself as a national campus. So Jokowi's presence is very relevant," Fauzan said.
For Fauzan, the presence of the President in UMM was very contextual with Pancasila’s Week which proclaimed by the government. The Pancasila’s Week, as Jokowi’s calls was endeavored to strengthen and reintroduce the pillars of Pancasila, and to attract young people, so all components of the nation could apply its values in the life of the nation and the state.
"As one of its goal was young people, strengthening of Pancasila by the President can be directly felt by the youth of Muhammadiyah in East Java and UMM students with different ethnic, racial, even religious group. This is important, because through young people as an efforts to revive the spirit of Pancasila more easier and faster," Fauzan said.
In addition to Jokowi, number of prominent figures were scheduled to attend including Chairman of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir, Education Minister Muhadjir Effendy, Presidential Advisory Board Abdul Malik Fadjar, and MUI Vice Chairman Yunahar Ilyas, former Muhammadiyah Chairman Din Syamsuddin, Former MPR RI Vice Chairman Hajriyanto Y Thohari, East Java Governor Soekarwo, East Java PWM Chairman Saad Ibrahim, and number of other figures.
Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) Assistant Rector who was also a responsible person of the 1438 Ramadan Islamic Preaching Mohammad Nurhakim explained, the agenda was expected to have a positive impact for nation’s integrities and people interest, "Due to the presence of the elements of the nation, it could be reinforced the points of people's nodes from tensions that had tested Indonesian’s integrities lately," Nurhakim said.
Through the theme of "Spirit Al-Ma'un: establishing Philanthropy Movement", continued Nurhakim, the philanthropic context that will be conveyed in this agenda was not just a verbal level merely, but to invite all muhammadiyah’s people to implement the philanthropy in real action.
Nurhakim exemplified the real action of Muhammadiyah had been proved by many charitable efforts. Nurhakim mentioned that Muhammadiyah had has 24,953 on early,primary and secondary education institutions, 176 universities, 2,119 health institutions, 525 social institutions, 11,198 houses of worship, and 20,945,504 square meters of land. "All the charitable efforts are philanthropies that dedicated to the nation," he said. (Naz)