UMM Graduates Are ‘Pleased’ by the Spanish Ambassador to Continue Studying in Spain

Author : Humas | Tuesday, May 30, 2023 06:54 WIB
The documentary of Mr. Fransisco De Asis Aguilera Aranda delivering his remarks during period II of UMM graduation commencement. (Photo by Yafi PR of UMM)

Completing studies at university is not the end, but the beginning to embark on a new life. The idea was said by the Great Ambassador of Spain for Indonesia, HE. Mr. Fransisco De Asis Aguilera Aranda during his speech remark session at the 108th graduation of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). In the commencement held on May 30, 2023, he encouraged the graduates to continue their studies in the Land of Matador—also known as Spain—.

As he said, young people do not need to fear facing the future. Self-confidence is the key to overcoming all the obstacles. That is also what the graduates will encounter after the graduation procession. Also, they must be a better and more helpful person to serve the society and the country.

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"If you wish to continue your study again and get professional experience as a great ambassador, I suggest you choose Spain. Spain is a country rich in culture, even famous for its football players. Spain is also comfortable to live in and superb to visit. Additionally, the community also has tolerance with existing multiple levels of diversity," said the Great Ambassador.

Fransisco also felt excited about visiting the White Campus—the alias of UMM—. He believes UMM has huge potential to expand its cooperation with Spain, especially with various innovations, ideas, and programs conducted. The Ambassador has even discussed much with the staff of the UMM rectorate to follow up on possible future collaboration. 

On the same occasion, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Affairs of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.AP., explained that the current graduates will be the golden generation of 2045, which marks the 100th anniversary of Indonesia's independence day. 

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"Prepare yourself well. Do not stop learning, and always continue to hone your skills. Remember that there are millions of graduates from universities who have the same goals as you do. Utilize the abundant knowledge and experience you gain at UMM to solve the nations' problems," said Muhadjir. 

Moreover, Muhadjir noted that the choice of UMM for studying is exact. Students and graduates must have provisions. Notably, with the Center of Excellence (CoE) program's presence in the last few years, students joining the program are facilitated to improve their skills aligning with the industrial needs in the present era. 

"Who knows, essential skills from the program provided by UMM can become a new job. Not only for yourself but also for helping the surrounding community and advancing Indonesia. Utilize opportunities well, and do not forget to work hard," advised Muhadjir.

In line with Muhadjir, the Rector of UMM, Prof. Dr. Fauzan, M. Pd., says that Indonesia will face the challenge of demographic bonuses. Therefore, since 2019, UMM has launched the Center of Excellence (CoE) program, the effort of UMM to contribute to the progress of Indonesians.

"Until now, there have been more than 54 CoE programs that can be joined by UMM students. The program can even be followed by (UMM) alumni and students from other universities. Those who participate in the CoE program can also come from different majors. It is because UMM strongly intends to prepare superior human resources to fulfill the needs of the times," said Fauzan. (imh/zak/wil)



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