Nursing Laboratory (4)


Practicum Course of Psychiatric Nursing


  1. Skill of conducting therapeutic communication
  2. Skill in analyzing client with mental disorder
  3. Skill of doing group activity therapy 
  4. Skill of giving occupation therapy 
  5. Skill in psychiatric health counseling 
  6. Skill of documenting implementation strategy & interaction process analysis 
  7. Skill of medicine giving to client with mental disorder
  8. Restrain skill on rowdy/restless/rampage patient
  9. Sanity socialization skill


Community Nursing Practicum Courses 

  1. Skill in reviewing community nursing
  2. Skill in community health socialization 
  3. Skill in nursing care giving on family
  4. Skill in nursing care giving on elderly
  5. Skill in nursing care giving on special group 
  6. Skill in community nursing care documentation
  7. Skill in nursing service giving in health facility (Posyandu, Puskesmas, Polindes, dll )


Emergency/Critical Nursing Practicum Courses

  1. Skill of reviewing emergency
  2. Skill in Basic Cardiac life Support
  3. Skill of doing Advance Threatening Life Support
  4. Skill of Mass Disaster handle
  5. Bandage & splint skill
  6. Skill of stopping bleeding 
  7. Pre-Hospital Trauma Management
  8. Trauma Nursing Process Skill

Nursing Laboratory Tools and Facility

  1. Representative demonstration room, basic nursing laboratory room & surgery medical, chlidren nursing laboratory room consisted of checkup unit, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, child inpatient unit and playground, maternity nursing laboratory room consisted of Pre-Natal, Intra-Natal, and Post-Natal unit, and lactation room, psychiatric nursing laboratory, community nursing laboratory room, child development nursing laboratory room.
  2. Various practicum supporting tools which are available in every laboratory room including simulation/phantom tools that can be used for direct application as the real condition in field, such as: heart-lung checkup phantom, pregnancy and childbirth phantom, heart-lung resuscitation phantom, chateter setting up phantom, NGT, infusion, etc.
  3. Various physical supporting tools both manual and electrical, such as: Electrocardiography, ophtalmoscope, Otoscope, Tonometri, etc.
  4. Various visual supporting learning needs: various nursing skill CD, etc.