Number: E.5.a/760/UMM/VI/2011
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Based on the Bid Evaluation Report Number: 029/B&J/PHKI-UMM/VI/2011, dated June 25, 2011 on the result of overall evaluation to the auction participants for improvement of Ring Backbone Fiber Optic Network of Campus III UMM from Institotion-based Competition Grant Program 2011, Committment Maker Officials (PPK) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang determined that the provider winner candidates are:
1. Winner Candidate 1:
Company Name : CV. JAVA DWIPA
Address : Kompleks Ruko Surya Inti Permata Blok C-7. Jl. Jemur Andayani
No. 50 Surabaya
NPWP : 02.207.833.1-615.000
Offering Price : Rp. 318.315.800
(Including PPN 10%)
2. Alternative Winner Candidate 1:
Address : Jl. Jambangan Kebon Agung II/ 3-5 Surabaya
NPWP : 01.929.507.0-609.000
Offering Price : Rp. 324.610.000,-
(Termasuk PPN 10%)
3. Alternative Winner Candidate 2:
Company Name : PT. SMART CONNECT
Address : Jl. Taman Ketintang Wiyata No. 25 Surabaya
NPWP : 02.840.360.8-609.000
Offering Proce : Rp. 325.605.500,-
(Including PPN 10%)
This letter is made based on the evaluation result completely to the offering dcument sent by the auction participants. Next, those who are objected to the determination can send Rebuttal Letter to the Chief of Committment Maker Offocials of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246 Malang; starting from June 28, 2011 to July 4, 2011 until 14.00 WIB.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Malang, June 27, 2011
UMm Committment Maker Official,
Drs. Mursidi, MM