Assalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Based on letter of Mr. Vice Rector II of UMM No. E.5.a/437/UMM/IV/2010 date April 12, 2010, thus it would be informed as it is:
1. Free of charge of UMM IT staff professional certification exam.
2. The participants are staffs/lecturers, assistants and students, but on the initial stage it would be prioritized for staffs/lecturers, assistants and part timer staffs.
3. Participants can take the certification exam on the controlled-fields
(Microsoft Office, Help Desk, Network Administrator and Programmer)
and the material specification can be downloaded at:
4. The excussion is expected on mid-May of 2010,
If the participants are more than 50 people, the exam would be held at UMM,
if it is less than 50 people, the place would be in Surabaya.
5. Registration form can be copied and requirements can be delivered diractly to Infokom Institute of UMM not more than April 30, 2010
6. The qualified participants would get SERTIFIKAT PROFESI/ professional certificate from the government
through National Agency of Professional Certification/Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP).
Thus, please know and follow the implementations. Good luck.
Wassalammu'alaikum Wr.Wb.