In the middle of 2018, AIESEC University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is holding Exchange Participant Gathering Summer Project followed by 22 students from 12 countries such as Brazil, Tunisia, Algeria, Kenya, South Korea, China, India, Czech Republic, Pakistan, Thailand, and Vietnam. There are two programs run, which are entrepreneurship and education. Puspa Prativi who is the Vice President Incoming Global Volunteer (VP IGP AOESEC UMM) explained, “Entrepreneurship program has been running since June 25th and will be ended on August 8th. Meanwhile, the education program has been running since July 16th and will be ended on August 28th”.
This event was started by speech delivered by Training Nominee, Nur Widodoo. Widodo is appreciated all participants to share their knowledges in the field of entrepreneurship and education. He said, “I hope this program isn’t the end, but it will continue by holding other programs ahead. UMM welcomes you greatly and you may come again next year with other foreigners”.
Those 22 students are divided into two groups. 10 students are in entrepreneurship group meanwhile the rest is education group. Entrepreneurship program cooperated with SME Niki Say UFS and SME Aurasufa meanwhile the Education program cooperated with internship office Faculty of Teacher Training of Education UMM. The students in education group will go to seven schools in Malang to teach.
Lim Tae Gyun, a member of Education group from South Korea said that he enthusiastically joins this program yet happy because it can enrich his knowledge, have international experience, and have a chance to socialize with Indonesian people who are friendly, courteous, and easy going. Lim said, “I teach in a school in Batu. Fortunately, I did’t find any difficulties in doing the project so far because we help each other. I’m glad joining this program because it broadens my international insight”. (lus)