UMM Student Activist Asked to Be Spiritual People

Author : Humas | Saturday, June 17, 2017 09:47 WIB
UMM PSIF Chief Dr Pradana Boy ZTF MA speaks during Ramadan Islamic Sermon  for student activist.
Hundreds of student activists from the Student Executive Board (BEM), Student Senate, Student Activity Unit (UKM), Student Association (HMJ), and Semi Autonomous Institute (LSO) at  University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) had followed 1438 Hijriah Ramadan Islamic  Preaching  at UMM hall dome on Thursday, June 15.
Dr. M Nurhakim MAg spoke on "Al-Quran as the foundation of Science Development Ethics towards Contextual Tafsir", He said that Al-Quran should be a source of activist inspiration in running the wheel of leadership and student activities. "Activists who become leaders among students should make the Quran as a guide. Because the Al Quran is presented as a guide and an advice for humans," Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) coordinator assistant said.
Meanwhile, the second sermon was delivered by Center for Islamic Studies and Philosophy (PSIF) chief Pradana Boy ZTF, Ph D with the theme "Muhammadiyah as a Doctrine and a Challenge of the Future". Boy said, not all students have  Muhammadiyah’s  ideology. However, teaching the values of Muhammadiyah in the white campus becomes an absolute thing in the eyes of Boy. "Students who are aware to act Muhammadiyah through AIK is a bonus. But, if UMM students do not have insight of Muhammadiyah and technical organizations, this is a disaster," boy explained.
In his presentation Boy asserted Muhammadiyah as a purification movement  often linked too close to radicalism. However, there was a dimension that keeps Muhammadiyah on its line, namely rationalization. "As strong as any current of radicalism, if Muhammadiyah acted well, student will not be dragged into a radical line due to holding  tightly  rationalization.
Therefore, both Boy and Nurhakim emphasized, nowadays many people holded confidence in identity or organization beyond Islam. As activists that has had organization differences and background of thought, islamic jurisprudence and beliefs should not necessarily create a gap among students. Insight on how background differences became an insight of activist that should be owned by students. By understanding differences reasons of each individual, the differences will be mutually agreed and respected.
"Those activists are having knowledge. man who has knowledge make him of having soft heart. If you have knowledge but do not having it, its means not having really knowledge," Boy concluded. (Naz)


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