UMM Indonesian Alumnus Successfully Becomes Chairman of KPU Probolinggo City

Author : Humas | Monday, July 29, 2024 09:02 WIB
Radfan Faisal, an alumnus of the Indonesian Language Education Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) class of 2006, has successfully assumed the role of Chairman of the Probolinggo City General Election Commission (KPU) for the 2024-2029 term (Photo: Special).

Radfan Faisal is an alumnus of the Indonesian Language Education Study Program (PBI), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) class of 2006. Armed with various knowledge and experience while on the white campus, he has now successfully served as chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Probolinggo City for the period 2024-2029.

"This is the result of a long journey in pursuing knowledge over four years. I gained many academic insights during my time at university. What stood out the most was the knowledge and practical application of applied communication. The aspects of language, both spoken and written, are often underestimated, but I learned it seriously," he explained.

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He further shared that during his time at UMM, he frequently interacted with lecturers, which significantly enhanced his communication skills. This experience proved invaluable in his interactions with new people and in public engagements. His skills were further honed through his roles as a teaching assistant for Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) courses while still a student.

“The benefits were very noticeable. I served as an AIK Teaching Assistant, was part of the part-time Academic Quality Control Board (BKMA) at the university, and was actively involved in internal campus organizations at the program, faculty, and university levels, as well as in Muhammadiyah autonomous organizations. These communication skills made me more heard and confident in speaking,” he recounted.

Radfan also detailed his journey to becoming the Chairman of KPU Probolinggo. He emphasized that this is his second term with KPU Probolinggo. In his previous term from 2019-2024, he was part of the Voter Education Division, Community Participation, and Human Resources. After completing his previous term, he re-applied to join KPU Probolinggo.

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“This is my second period as part of the KPU, The registration process for KPU is not very difficult. All Indonesian citizens can apply and go through several stages, including administrative selection, written tests, health tests, psychological tests, and interviews. From there, the top 10 applicants are selected and further refined by KPU RI to five for the plenary meeting,” he explained.

Interestingly, during the plenary meeting, Radfan was directly trusted by his colleagues to become the Chairman of KPU through consensus without the need for a vote, indicating that his capacity and suitability for the role were well-recognized.

Lastly, he advised all UMM students to make the most of the opportunities provided by the university, especially to develop their interests and talents. He acknowledged that the university offers excellent facilities for students, including Student Activity Units (UKMs), internal organizations, and funding for research and competitions.  (faq/wil/Fajr)



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