Dian Berkah, SHI., MHI., Dr. (cand). (Photo: Special) |
It was started on his involvement in Muhammadiyah's autonomous organization viz, East Java Muhammadiyah Youth Association (2003), Muhammadiyah Youth (2009), and Muhammadiyah Organization (2009-till now) delivered this University of Muhammadiyah Malang alumnus (UMM) Department of Sharia, Dian Berkah, SHI., MHI., Dr. (cand) to involve in any academic, business, and social-religious community activities..
His very first career took a step on being a teacher in Muhammadiyah's school in Gresik (SMAM 1 Gresik, 2008, SMP M 12 GKB, 2010), a lecturer at the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya at Department of Ahwal al Syakhsyiyah (2009). “Having a job and being active in the organization of Tarjih and Tajdid East Java PWM Assembly gave me a big chance to take apart into the East Java Indonesian Ulema Council in 2016,” told Dian.
Since then, Dian was pointed as National Sharia Council-MUI Representative of East Java (2017). The experience in certificating and organizing the Sharia supervisor training delivered Dian to be trusted to build various microfinance institutions in East Java and became the sharia supervisor on BPRS DAM, Bangil Pasuruan (2018).
“Along with the increased of experience and encounter is Islamic financial activities, I am trusted to become the Founder and President Commissioner to establish the technology-based sharia microfinance institution which is known as Syariah Fintek Berkah platform (BFS) whose home office in Surabaya, has been registered in Financial Services Authority on October 30, 2019,” Dian explained.
BFS gave financial access through digital-based sharia products to open sharia financial extensively tp assist the Ummah's needs (both consumptive and productive) according to the sharia principles. For further information, it can be accessed by clicking the www.finteksyariah.co.id website and “finteksyariah” applications”.
“From the scholarship program for tarjih scholars (PPUT), which is organized by UMM, I can carry on my study in the fresh graduate level. As the alumnus of Bekasi Muhammadiyah’s schools, Alhamdulillah I can compete and pass the selection of many alumni from the famous Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia.
If I don’t receive this scholarship, I will not be able to feel the bachelor level of education. The active lecturers teach me to write and be active in the organization both internal and external campus.
Until finally I publish 4 books with the titles "My Teacher is My Inspiration", " Success Fasting", "Achieving Life Success", and "Realizing the Dream of Progressing Communities", and write scientific articles in national and international journals. "The facilitation of lecturers that Dian felt until now, who continues to communicate to alumni of the department of sharia, namely Mrs. Idaul Hasanah," said Dian.
Coupled with Dian's involvement in being active as a P2KK companion organized by UMM, it greatly honed my skills to continue to appear and be brave in various academic, social-religious, and business activities as I was doing preaching and dedication as an alumnus of the UMM tarjih ulama program. the first batch of 2003.
KH. Abdullah Hasyim, one of Muhammadiyah Malang Ulema Figures who guided Dian in the Tarjih Ulema program Study, scholarship program, gave Dian an enormous chance to advance his power of thought in constructing the life concept on missionary endeavor and business based on al Qur’an and al Hadist through the religious thought of KH. Abdullah’s.
“Without forgetting the firmness of Prof. Muhadjir (the former chancellor of UMM who now is serving as Ministry Coordinator for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia) whose firmness arouse us to move out from comfort zone. I thank to the entire academic community both the Faculty and University level. Insya Allah, all will be good deeds for all ladies and gentlemen,” Dian said. (adq)