Physiotherapy Student Association and Student Executive Board Faculty of Health University of Muhammadiyah (UMM) held a National Physiotherapy Olympiad under the theme the Enchantment of Physiotherapy started from Friday to Sunday (9-11/3).
There were three classes were contested, which are Neuromuscular, Sport, and Pediatrics. Those are very important materials in Physiotherapy. The Physiotherapy practitioners have to understand those three so well. The Chief of Olympic, seminar, and workshop of Physiotherapy, M. Rizqi Ramadhani said, “This Olympiad is good for Physiotherapy students in Indonesia to sharpen their skills and gain achievements”. This event is expected to give opportunities for Physiotherapy students to seize achievements. There are only 10 universities in Indonesia that have Physiotherapy study program. Besides, this event made people know more about physiotherapy.
Although people are not too familiar with Physiotherapy science, but the participants of the Olympiad were so eager to compete. The quota is only 12 teams from each class consisting of three participants. One of the committees, Jeje said, “Unfortunately, we should reject many applicants because the quota is very limited. Hopefully, we can provide more quotas next year”.
This Olympiad was followed by 93 participants from various universities in Indonesia which have Physiotherapy study program. They are University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS), Esa Unggul University (UEA), St Vincentius a Paulo Catholic School of Health, Airlangga University (Unair), Udayana University, Widya Husana School of Health, Jakarta Polytechnic of Health, Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta.
There were three rounds for each class. In the first round, the participants answer “True” or “False” to the question given. Then, in the second round, the participants were given a study case and had to solve the problem according to the Psychotherapy science. In the third round, the participants should pass the test of agility and speed in answering questions.
In Pediatrics class, Surakarta Polytechnic of Health became the first winner, second winner is University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS), and the third winner is Widya Husana School of Health. In Sport class, the firt winner is Esa Unggul University (UEA), second winner is University of Muhammadiyah Malang, and the third winner is University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The first winner won gold medal, silver medal for the second winner, and bronze medal for the third winner. The General Champion of National Physiotherapy Olympiad 2018 is Surakarta Polytechnic of Health by winning two gold medals.
The Dean of Faculty of Health UMM, Faqih Ruhyanudin expects that there will be the participants join and the classes that are contested next year.
He said, “I hope that there will be cognitive skills competitions and papers next year. UMM is preparing the planning of Professional Physiotherapy study program establishment”.