Indonesian as Guard National Integration

Author : Humas | Wednesday, November 16, 2016 07:29 WIB

Professor of the State University of Surabaya Prof Dr Setya Yuwana MA (center) was at the seminar held by the Master of Education Language and Literature Indonesia UMM.

Indonesian learning in schools does not only aim to enable students to master the language structure. Moreover, language learning should be a cultural strategy to love this nation more. This was conveyed by the professor of the State University of Surabaya, Prof Dr MA Setya Yuwana, the Indonesian National Seminar at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).

Activities held over two days (15-16 / 11) by Masters of Education Language and Literature Indonesia UMM seeks more turned Indonesian as integration strength for the nation. For Setya Yuwana, this cannot be underestimated, because if Indonesian extinct, then this country can go extinct as well.

To that end, Setya stressed the need in integrating multicultural Indonesian as part of the learning process. Setya assessing learning a language should be able to take advantage of the cultural diversity in order to the students can create meaning by what they faced everyday. Here, the language
became a power to establish the behavior of the humanist, pluralist, and democratic.

Meanwhile Indonesian expert from UMM, Dr. Ekarini Saraswati MPd, admitted concern with the use of Indonesian by young people in daily activity, especially among the metropolis. "They often mix up Indonesian and English randomly, especially in social media," said Ekarini.

UMM Rector, Fauzan, hopes this seminar were able to explore the mind in utilizing Indonesian academics to make Indonesia more civilized. "People should be proud to be Indonesian. Do not lose the language and its left alone, and so the study becomes archaeological sites, "said Fauzan.

Furthermore, recommendation and exposure of the speakers in this seminar will be recorded in the proceedings and then submitted to the Agency for Development and Language Development (Body Language) Kemendikbud as a material for making policy.

A number of speakers which is also explained his ideas on this activity is head of the English Kemendikbud, Prof. Dr. Dadang Sunendar MHum, professor of the State University of Malang, Prof. Dr. Djoko Saryono MPd, and Prof A Effendi Kadarisman MA PhD, lecturer Unesa, Dr Budinuryanta John MPd, as well as some
UMM lecturers namely Dr Ado Revelation Eriyanti MSi MPd, Dr Hari Sunaryo MSI, and Dr. Arif Budi Wurianto MSI, also 35 speakers and 150 participants from various regions in Indonesia. (Ich / han)



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