English Study Program of UMM and Probolinggo Teachers Forum signed MoU Learning Quality Improvement

Author : Humas | Monday, October 31, 2016 14:02 WIB

The signing of MoU between UMM and the representative of English Teachers for Secondary School Council (MGMP) of Probolinggo.

IN order to develop learning and teaching English in secondary school (SMP) whether private or public, 44 teachers of English Teachers for Secondary School Council (MGMP) of Probolinggo had a visit to University of Muhammadiyah Malang ( UMM) on Monday (31/10)

Their visit was intended to witness the signing of the English Study Program (Prodi) of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UMM and English MGMP of Probolinggo. The event was held in UMM Central Library, 3rd floor. The delegation was accompanied by Chairman English MGMP of Probolinggo, and Secondary School Principal representatives of Probolinggo.

Chairman of English study program of UMM, Dr.Sudiran, M.Hum said "English Study Program of Faculty of Education is obliged to accept the offer in order to improve the quality of learning and teaching English in MGMP,"

After MoU was signed, Sudiran hoped that this coopperation would continue in order to improve English teachers’ quality in teaching. English study program of UMM and English MGMP of Probolinggo will formulate a number of programs to support the cooperation.

He continued, "Our lecturers have service-related English learning, this is one of our efforts to improve our quality as well in training English teachers , which is already done through Internal  Community Service Program (PPMI) which is planned by Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) UMM, "

Chief Supervisor of National Education (MONE) of Probolinggo, Fathur Rozi, S.S., M.Pd. explained, as a supervisor, he hoped that the teachers can teach well after the signing of this cooperation.

He said, “Hopefully, by signing this cooperation, the teachers are able to give better understanding to the students and the materials which are taught can provide a sense of sympathy from the students so that they will be happy to learn English with their teacher”.

Agus continued, in learning English, if students are not happy and are not interested in the lesson, they will get difficulty to understand materials given by the teacher.

The event continued with a seminar about internet use in learning English. This short seminar presented by Iwona Zaczek of the Silesian University of Technolgy Poland and Jose Santos from the Escuela Politecnica Superior Cordoba, Spain who were taking internship program at UMM and worked in International Relations Office (IRO) UMM.(can/han)



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