Emha Nelwan Lawani is an outstanding student. Although he is busy as a senate chairman of the Faculty of Psychology University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), he still had a chance to win a number of competitions both national and internatial level, not only in the field of study programs that they do, but also in some scientific fields.
Recently, Nelwan was named as the best speaker in the National Debate Competition on the Rhetoric Festival of Indonesian Lovers of Rhetoric at State University of Malang, East Java.
Together with his three colleagues, Rezka Mardhiyana and Rizqon Fawa'id succeeded in setting aside tens of participants from public and private universities throughout Indonesia.
No less proud, the man from Polewali West Sulawesi province in March 2018 was named as the best delegates in the Young Asia Sociopreneurship Leader Exchange in Thailand. Because of business plan about the region's distinctive cloth Lipa' Sa'be, Nelwan managed to attract the attention of the jury from Chulalangkorn University, Thailand.
Joining the competition is a tradition since Nelwan in high school (SMA). In addition to mental training, the moment of defeat is also precisely the best lesson to make him better.
"Because often triying and win a few times, alhamdulillah, when compared between winning or losing are equally lucky actually, just to have a new acquaintance," said Nelwan, Wednesday (20/6).
In addition, Nelwan continued, win or loose made him familiar with the conflict. The person who is mentally trained, Nelwan continued, will naturally be able to measure mental preparedness. "When we lose we are ready, when we win we are also ready," he said.
However, Nelwan remains conditioned to be grateful for every achievement he got.
Bagi Nelwan, berkuliah di perguruan tinggi swasta (PTS) tidak serta merta membuatnya berkecil hati. UMM, kata Nelwan, memberi banyak kesempatan kepada mahasiswanya untuk beraktualisasi sesuai dengan bidang yang digelutinya.
For Nelwan, attending private universities (PTS) does not necessarily discourage him. UMM, said Nelwan, gives many opportunities to its students to actualize in related to the field that they do.
"When the early entering UMM, there were some who jeer. However, looking the Department of Psychology UMM is one of the best in Indonesia, I remain proud of my choice," he said.
Many Muhammadiyah students win in each competition. Nelwan is considered as a propaganda field itself.
"The institutions on behalf of Islam is no less superior to other universities," said Nelwan. (ard)