State Defense FPP UMM Encourages New Students to Understand Diversity and Digital Patterns

Author : Humas | Monday, November 29, 2021 06:20 WIB
FPP UMM State Defense Education and Training Center at the Air Defense Artery Education Center (Photo: Istimewa)
The long series of State Defense Education and Training of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (FPP) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) finally ended on Saturday (20/11). Hundreds of new students are trained to strengthen physically and mentally so they can pass lectures to the fullest. For six days, new students are required to stay at the Air Defense Artery Education Center (Pusdik Arhanud).
The series of official events ended with a solemn closing ceremony. The Vice-Chancellor III of UMM, Dr. Nur Subeki, ST. MT. lined up to be inspectors of traditions. He said that the Introduction to New Student Studies (Pesmaba) and the National Defense Training and Education had special meanings. One of them is to know, understand and raise awareness of diversity.
In addition, students are also expected to be familiar with and apply the values of the four pillars of Indonesia. These include Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.
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"In this agenda of defending the country, you have also been given material about the archipelago and how youths face the challenges of the times. All of this is prepared so that you can meet the future well," he said.
Nur Subeki, his nickname, also said that the existence of Covid-19 had changed the pattern of life. The same thing also resulted in the rapid implementation of industrial revolution 4.0 with its digital designs. Some of the ways that Nur Subeki conveyed include the internet of things and remote controlling technology. In addition, recently, digital farming patterns and artificial intelligence (AI) have also emerged.
"New students must immediately clean up and prepare themselves. It understands the various digital patterns that are getting here more and more. After that, use it to create solutive innovations in the community later," he added.


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In addition to understanding digital patterns, Nur Subeki also said that being a leader must also master the 5Cs. First is communication, namely the ability to interact well to be able to bring up opportunities. Then the ability to think critically and be creative and innovative. He said that critical thinking would provide a way out of a problem, while creativity would offer new things to help related issues.
"The last two are collaboration and confidence. So, hang your dreams as high as the sky and build stairs to reach them. Remember the White Campus motto 'Student Today, Leader Tomorrow,'" he concluded. (apg/wil)


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