Vice Rector III UMM, Sidiq Sunaryo and the Mayor of Probolinggo, Rukhmini Buchori reviewed the location of UMM Micro Hydro Power (PLTMH) riding electric car on Tuesday (13/3) |
University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is contributing to develop regions. After cooperating with many parties, Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) UMM signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the government of Probolinggo City on Tuesday (13/3) at UMM Auditorium. This cooperation includes regional, social, and agricultural development.
The MoU was signed by Vice Rector III Sidiq Sunaryo and the Mayor of Probolinggo, Rukmini Buchori witnessed by the Head of Fisheries Department of Probolinggo, the Head of Agriculture Department of Probolinggo, and the representatives of Community service of UMM. Sidiq said, “This MoU should be realized to be a research and a community engagement that has useful values”. Sidiq also mentioned business unit owned by UMM. He expects that those businesses can sign some cooperation with Probolinggo city.
Previously,UMM has signed regional partnership programs in Wonoasih sub-district in Probolinggo city since 2013 to 2015. This cooperation focused on mango tree treatment program, mango and corn production, and small and medium enterprises. The Director of DPPM UMM, Sujono conveyed that UMM is ready to assist Probolinggo City to be a city that has many entrepreneurs.
Although UMM is a private university, Sujono mentioned that UMM has good capacity in reaseach and community engagement. It is equal to the state universities in East Java. Starting from 2014, UMM is one of 14 universities in Indonesia that gat Independent cluster.
This status is the result of visitation and verification by Directorate of Research and Community Sevices (DP2M) General Directorate of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia. According to Higher Education standardization, campuses in Indonesia are categorized in 4 clusters, which are Binaan, Madya, Utama, and the highest is Mandiri (Independent).
Sujono said, “There are only 4 of 25 private universities in East Java that are clustered Mandiri, one of those 4 is UMM. that is why we are ready to assist Probolinggo City”.
Meanwhile, the Mayor of Probolinggo, Rukhmini Buchori welcomed this cooperation. Rukhmini mentioned potentials owned by Probolinggo City, one of them is UMKM Batik and mango production. On the other hand, Probolinggo has social problems such as 50 tons trash a day.
Rukhmini said, “Perhaps, UMM can assist Batik communities in Probolinggo, innovating mango production, and innovating trash management.” (lus)