Educational staff of the Organization of Solidarity Action Era of the Working Cabinet (OASE KK) who is also the wife of Minister of Culture and Education, Suryan Widati, SE MSA Ak speaks about cases among students |
Considering to the development of technology, children violence cases, and the misused of drugs by students, the Institute of Study and Women and Children Empowerment (LP3A) of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) collaborated with the Ministry of Culture and Education (Kemendikbud) arrange a program about family involvement in education. This main program is socialized to many elements in UMM Inn Auditorium on Wednesday. (24/5)
The main program of family involvement in the educational unit includes the advice of parents to deliver their children on their first day of school. According to Director of Family Education Guidance of Early Childhood and Community Education, Dr Sukiman MPd, this program is important to build children’s confidence and motivate them to learn more.
This seminar was attended by 150 participants. On the event, Sukiman sang a song about “the first day at school”. “Today is my first day at school, I am very happy because my father and mother accompany me to go to school. I am very happy to meet new friends, new teachers who are very friendly. Let’s go to school, Let’s go to school”. That’s the lyrics of the song that was also sung by the seminar participants.
Other main programs are the parents meeting which should be held twice in every semester to discuss children’s development and problems faced by them at school, educational parenting by parents, inviting alumni to give motivation during flag ceremony, and holding works exhibition and art performances at the end of the year.
Sukiman continued, the role of the family involvement is very important because it will bring positive effect to children. “It will make children eager to study and continue their education to higher level”.
A child who comes from medium or rich family but does not want to continue his/her study to higher level, it may be caused by the lack of parents involvement emotionally. “So, actually poverty is not the main factor why children do not want to go school. Children who come from poor family can also have big motivation to study and reach good achievement if parents support them”.
Meanwhile, educational staff of the Organization of Solidarity Action Era of the Working Cabinet (OASE KK) who is also the wife of Minister of Culture and Education, Suryan Widati, SE MSA Ak said that, it is very sad to witness the cases among students, such as the misused of drugs, violence, and pornography. This is because people, who are active in social media, watch bad contents, and then spread it to society, especially students who are called as artists then. Widati said, “Problem faced by children is not only the responsibility of school, but also parents and society. Their involvement is a must for children”.
Therefore, it becomes urgent to note about the activities of children after school before arriving home. "Communication between parents and classroom teachers should be maintained to monitor our children,".
150 participants who attended the seminar are the education stakeholders, such as principals of young age children, principals of kindergarten, junior high schools, and senior high schools in Malang, village chiefs, the heads of sub-district, PKK, Aisyiyah, and education offices. Besides Sukiman and Widati, the speakers for second session was Special staff of Ministry of Culture and Education, Nasrullah, S.Sos, M.Si and the Dean of Psychology faculty as well as a child development psychologist, Dr.Iswinarti, M.Si (lus)