The Distribution of Qurban Livestock on Eid-ul-Adhaa 1435 H. |
ACCORDING to the order of the Muhammadiyah Central Board (PP), the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) will hold the salat of Eid-ul-Adha 1438 Hijriyah on Wednesday (23/9) on UMM helipad, Tlogomas Street No 246 and on the parking lot of UMM Campus II, Bendungan Sutami Stret No 188 Malang.
On the first location, there will be lecture delivered by the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Board, Prof. Dr. Dadang Kahmad, MSi, while on the second one, a lecture will be delivered by UMM lecturer, Mokhammad Najih, SH, M.Hum.
According to the UMM Eid-ul-Adha chief committee, Ahmad Fatoni, Lc, MA, the the implementation of the salat of Eid-ul-Adha salat was assigned by the Tarjih and Tajdid Council of Muhammadiyah Central Board on September 23 based on the the Islamic method called hisab hakiki wujudul hilal. It will also be simultaneously held by the Middle East countries such as Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Turk and Pakistan.
Regarding the provision of the qurban livestock, UMM has provided 10 cows and 23 goats. Not all of them will be slaughtered in UMM. “We will only slaughter 7 cows and 3 goats in campus III and 2 cows in campus II. The rest of them will be distributed to several Muhammadiyah organizations," said Fatoni.
In the distribution, UMM prioritizes the society surrounding Campus I, II, and III, UMM Hospital, Muhammadiyah branches, and Aisyiyah institution in Malang.
For the broader distribution, UMM cooperates with the student activists through several organizations such as Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM), Students Activity Unit (UKM) Spirituality,
“Besides distributing the qurban livestock, they also conduct social services in their target villages. Since they are really agile and highly motivated, they play important roles in sharing kindness in the suburban area,” said Fatoni.
Meanwhile, the Assistant of Rector for Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah field, Dr. Nurhakim MA, said that the distribution of the qurban livestock is only a technical and symbolic matter. What more important is the meaning behind it. The qurban itself is the implementation of tauhid value and sacrifice.
“We call it ‘tauhid’ because we believe that the slaughtering is Allah’s command, and we call it ‘sacrifice’ because we are obliged to sacrifice what we have to those who are considered as deprived,” said Nurhakim.
Moreover, Nurhakim explained that this spirit of sharing also reminds students and lecturers that their lives are not only for academic activity, but also for the good of the society around them. “This is the UMM tradition in sharing and blending with the society,” he ended. (han/t_far)