UMM Lecturer Become A Teacher of Language and Culture of Indonesia in Bulgaria

Author : Humas | Monday, March 20, 2017 16:22 WIB
The lecturer of FKIP UMM Faizin, M.Pd. at the Embassy of Poland.

BEING a teacher for foreigners in Indonesia was very common. But, what happens if the experience teaching of Indonesian language was done for foreign students abroad? The unusual experience had been perceived by Faizin, M.Pd., one of the lecturer at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) which was specifically invited by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Sofia, Bulgaria.

Faizin was asked to teach in language and Indonesian culture classes at the Sofia University and Sofia’s Embassy for odd semester period 2016/2017.  "At Sofia University of Bulgaria, beside teaching I also teach (them) martial art as knowledge and insight of Indonesia’s culture. In addition, at KBRI I also teach Indonesian language classes, "said Faizin when contacted via WhatsApp, Monday (20/3).

Interestingly, the attention of bulgarian students, especially students of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski "to study language and Indonesian Culture were increased. One its proof that the status of language and Indonesian culture classes at the Sofia University was "elective study". The credit was grade 4 or 60 hours of lessons under the Faculty of Classical and Modern philology Department of South, East and Shouthest Asian Studies. Nowadays, there were 30 students of beginner class and 16 students of middle class.

Faizin's visit to Bulgaria was the program of the Directorate General for Resources Research Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) through the Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange Indonesian Language and Foreign Speakers (BIPA). During one semester, since February 15 to June 9, 2017.

"Actually, I should have been in Bulgaria before February 15. But  there is still a lot of work in campus, Finally (I) departed on March 11, "said Faizin who was also an alumni of the Department of Language and Literature of Indonesia UMM.

A rare opportunity was not achieved by random people. Only (those) teachers of BIPA from eight universities in Indonesia who obtained the valuable opportunity.

"During the process of teaching, we often have to practice with them outside of class. Because if you rely just on theclass room teaching, they will be slow in developing skill of Indonesian language. Because outside of Indonesian language hours most of them use Bulgarian and English, so (that) we as teachers must be creative to utilize the situation to ask them to talk using Indonesian language, so they quickly to be skilled in Indonesian language, "he said. (Naz)



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