Dr. Mohd. Shukri Hanapi from the Science University of Mlaysia gives guest lecture to UMM Syariah Economics students. |
Cooperated with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Department of Islamic Economics Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a guest lecture entitled "Islamic Economics and Its Role in the Global Era: Prospect and Challenge" on Thursday (26/10) in UMM Dome Theater.
In addition to guest lecture, the event was also signed memorandum of activity (MoA) between the Dean of FAI UMM, Prof Dr Tobroni Msi, and representatives from USM, Dr Mohd Shukri Hanapi. It was expected that in the future, there would be cooperation in the form of memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the two parties. The cooperation contract could be in the form of lecturer exchange, student exchange, workshop, and various other activities.
In the event, Tobroni as the dean and keynote speech was accompanied by two experts, namely the dean of Faculty of Economics and Business UMM, Dr. Idah Zuhroh MM, and senior lecturer USM, Mohd Shukri Hanapi.
On this occasion, Tobroni said that this guest lecture was very strategic and supports the vision of UMM Syariah economic mission that not only excels in Islamic economics but also has a strong religious vision in applying Islamic values.
"In the future, UMM Syariah Economics students will not only have knowledge related to syariah economics but also have a strong religious vision. That's what will distinguish UMM Syariah Economics students with other universities," he explained.
The event was attended by 400 UMM Islamic Economics students. Mohd Shukri Hanapi said that in practice, syariah economy in society should not be separated from Islamic values, because it will cause syariah economy to deviate into the conventional economic realm.
"The ultimate goal of syariah economy is to get Allah's ridlo SWT, not to take advantage," said a lecturer who is also a member of Center of Islamic Development Management Studies USM.
On the other hand, in reality, according to Idah Zuhroh, especially in Indonesia, Islamic economics has not been applied thoroughly. There is still a lot of mixing system between the conventional economic system and syariah economic system.
"In Indonesia today, the Syariah economic system has not been used as an economic system replacing the conventional economic system after the monetary crisis in 1998, but only as an alternative economic system. The selection of systems which will be used still considering which system is more profitable, " she explained. (ard)