Disruption Era is Full of Children’s Online Ideals

Author : Humas | Wednesday, August 08, 2018 18:04 WIB
 Drs. Asep Haerul Ghani, S.Psi, a psychology practitioner on Reformulating Education in Disruption Era Conference in UMM Dome Theatre (8/8) 
Nowadays, teachers are amazed by the students’ ideals. That’s because many of them are dreaming to be online drivers, youtubers, vloggers, and other unexpected dreams. Muhammadiyah Education Awards (ME Awards) 2018 which is held in Dome Theatre UMM (8/8) brought Reformulating Education in Disruption Era Conference.

Drs. Asep Haerul Ghani, S. Psi, who is a phycology practitioner and an alumnus of University of Indonesia, said that the difference between teacher’s and children’s perception is understandable. This is because now people consider more about income rather than occupation. It can be seen from the money earned by online drivers and teachers. “For instance, teacher’s salary is nothing compared to the money earned by an online driver. So, it’s understandable if children have unique dreams because they live in a disruption era”.

According to Asep, technology cannot be separated from human’s activities in this disruption era. Children tend to use technology for doing everything. That makes the occupations which do not use technology are not interesting for them. Considering this, teachers should have new ideas for teaching, such as using game online in order to make students enjoy learning. In front of hundreds students of primary schools, junior high schools, and senior high schools of Muhammadiyah in all over East Java, Asep said “Technology is a challenge, we control it or the other way around”.       

Discussing about reformulating for education, Asep told about the struggle of Muhammadiyah founder, KH Ahmad Dahlan in the past decades. At that time, Dahlan was like fresh air for the education in this country. He broke tradition and changed it into modern religious education by holding on the Quran and Sunnah. Teachers can reflect on his struggle.

At the end, the man who is also a Human Resources practitioner emphasized that although there are human’s works replaced by technology, but no one can replace a teacher. “Teacher’s function cannot be replaced by anything. They teach people as humans. They make emotions that cannot be learned by technology or students”.

The leader of Central Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dr. Syafi A. Mughini, MA revealed that education should become a movement for humans because it is reflection of a generation”.

A teacher of Junior High School 2 Muhammadiyah Batu, Imam Bukhori said that he enthusiastically attended this conference because he got new spirit. He realized how important the teacher’s role is in building young generation of the nation. “Teacher should pay attention to the competence, the way of teaching, transferring knowledge, and transferring values to face the disruption era. Besides, this era opens up new employement opportunities or part time job by using technology”. (lus)



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