Febri Is A Figure Behind UMM Debate Team Who Won Student MK Debate 2018

Author : Humas | Friday, May 11, 2018 17:54 WIB
Febri and UMM Debate Team won the third place in Constitution Debate of MK RI 2018

Engraving achievements in the field of writing and debate are Febriansyah’s dreams, a Student from Faculty of Law University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FH UMM). Graduated in the second Period to 88 UMM, he has joint a lot of national law debate events such as Legal Expo organized by Atmajaya Catholic University of Jakarta, Diponegoro Law Fair and National Law Debate which held in Semarang State University.

The peak was when Febri, his nickname that accompanied the team, succeeded in the Competition Debate Constitution Student Inter-College Indonesia in 2018. On this event, UMM became a representative to advance to the national level after being crowned champion in the regional east level.

"I have been the coach or companion of the 2018 MK debate team since its inception, starting from the formation of team composition, training trips, and debate of the regional east until now. We have just won the 3rd MK Debate National Level," he explained. Febri conveyed, the diligence deepens the world of debate and write become her provision of various achievements. "The ability of debate and writing are the two basic competencies that must be mastered. I am really persistent to explore it because it has been my intention since I come to this university," he said.Keinginan untuk menekuni debat datang bukan tanpa alasan. Febri sendiri mengaku terinspirasi oleh seorang senior yang sudah mengikuti kompetisi lebih dahulu. "Senior terdahulu saya ada yang namanya Sunarto Effendi, dia mahir menulis dan berargument. Akhirnya ada niat untuk ingin seperti beliau,"  tambah pria kelahiran Lampung ini.

The desire to pursue a debate has a reason. Febri admitted he is inspired by his senior who have joint the competition before. "My former senior is Sunarto Effendi. He is adept at writing and arguing, and finally there is an intention to be like him," added the man born in Lampung.Selama membina tim debat UMM, pria yang bersama timnya tahun lalu berhasil menyabet Juara 1 Debat Hukum Tingkat Nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Atmajaya Jakarta ini selalu menekankan kepada mahsisawa binaannya untuk istiqomah, berhati bersih, rajin berdoa dan selalu ikhlas. “Niatkan semuanya hanya demi almamater,”tandasnya.

During building UMM debate team, the man who was successfully won the 1st Legal Debate of National Level held by the University of Atmajaya Jakarta always emphasized  to the students be istiqomah, clean hearted, diligent prayer and always sincere. "Intend everything just for the alma mater," he said. Dalam Kompetisi Debat Konstitusi Mahasiswa 2018 UMM berhasil membawa pulang gelar Juara 3 setelah mengalahkan tim debat Universitas Tarumanegara Jakarta. Pada perebutan juara ini, delegasi UMM danTarumanegara memperdebatkan tema tentang Hak Angket DPR terhadap KPK. 

In the Student Constitution Debate Competition 2018 UMM successfully brought the title of Champion 3 after defeating the team debate Tarumanegara University Jakarta. In the struggle of this champion, delegates of UMM and Tarumanegara debated the theme of the Parliament's Question Rights to the KPK.

Preparation undertaken by the team built by Febri has been started since the initial selection process in December 2017. Although the results obtained slightly deviated from the targeted, but this achievement is proud. "Although haven’t been I the sky, but it can reach the stars", said Febri.

After the end of this competition, Febri hopes that the students will not be lulled by the euphoria of victory. He does not want the delegation of UMM in the future to be dissolved in the romance of the past and the sweetness of history. He also advised that UMM students do not tired to score achievements.

"Be a master of history, not just a historical reminder. In the future, we will continue to regenerate while maintaining the intention and orientation," said the student who became the best graduate to the 2 of the Faculty level.(ard)



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