Short Film Kine Klub UMM Won Best Story Idea at UMY

Author : Humas | Friday, December 29, 2017 11:16 WIB
No days without achievements. It was always said by Rector of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Drs. Fauzan, M.Pd. The words had to be familiar to all academic community of UMM. Currently, it was turn for students of Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Kine Klub UMM Cinematography Study Group.
Through the film entitled Menthul, this UKM won the best story idea on the title of Gadget Film Festival in Communications Award University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Communication Studies.
Alissa Nailun Kamila, the producer, said she did not deny that there were difficulties in the production of this film. In addition to the determined theme "harassment," other difficulties lied in the selection of tools used because they had to use gadget as the media recording tool.
"We found it difficult to find a gadget that has enough camera specifications to be the desired recording device," Alissa said.
Meanwhile, Miftah Al Kautsar, the director, said that the film was about a child whose childhood often experience abuse. As he matured, he wanted to transform into someone who had been standardized by his friends. But once changed, his friends became aware of his actions and asked the child to be himself.
"In this film, there are two forms of abuse that are described, namely in verbal and physical form," explained the student of engineering UMM class of 2015.
He also added that he wanted this film had its own screening space and could be consumed by the general public.
"I also hope that this film will be able to change the mindset of perpetrators of harassment to stop doing that traumatic thing," he added.
The same thing was conveyed by Kine Klub UMM, Rahadi. He mentioned, in addition to the community which could be consumed, this movie also still had spurs if you wanted to be included race back.
"In this film, Kine's friends are very good at constructing the reality in the community. So, it becomes an interesting story idea, and indeed the strength of this film lies in the idea of ​​the story," said Rahadi.
In addition to Menthul film, the Kripik Apel film from Kine Klub UMM was also awarded the top 5 best films in Cinema Communication Artcademic Festival 2017 competition at Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta. (ard)


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