Faculty of Teacher Training and Education push 23 New Doctoral to Strengthen Research-Based Expertise

Author : Humas | Wednesday, November 09, 2016 12:30 WIB

HAPPY: Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UMM,Dr. Poncojari Wahono pinning rings to the 23 professors who had managed to doctoral education. (Photo: Disty / PR)

23 new doctoral of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) got a chance to present their dissertations in front of participants of the International Conference on Lesson Study (ICLS), last week (5/11) at UMM Dome. Those dissertations were the result of research that would be beneficial for education.

The first vice Dean of FKIP UMM, Dr. Trisakti Handayani., MM explained, the dissertation which were presented on Education Colloquium (EC) were hoped to be used by people who need it. Those results were also implemented by UMM to map the expertise of the doctors.

She continued, "Results publications of the dissertation were also promoted to the international society that UMM has result of research and lecturers who have expertise in that field.

Trisakti assessed, during this time, the result of research cannot always be used by all people in society because of a lack of publicity. Through presentations at the ICLS forum which was attended by hundreds of participants from Indonesia and abroad, the knowledge of UMM was expected to be more audible.

Besides, those 23 doctors also received an award from UMM because their works could be a proof as their expertise.  The award would be given by the President of Indonesian Lesson Study Association (ALSI), Sumar Hendrayana.,Ph.D on the closing of ICLS (5/11)

Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UMM,Dr. Poncojari Wahono said that the award was given as a form of appreciation for the achievement of the lecturer. He hoped the new doctor is able to accelerate the vision of UMM to become an international campus.

He continued, “Obviously we hope that the lecturer are abler to create a lot of works, either through research, journal writing and community service, so that it can support UMM to become an international campus-based research,"

Trisakti said that doctors were encouraged to immediately become a Professor as soon nas they received that award. “Faculty and university encourages them becoming Professor, and they are hoped to be more productive to create other research. Currently, there are 12 journals belong to FKIP lecturers which are accepted by international publication and they will be pushed to create many research, "she concluded. (Ich / han)



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