Attracts Korean Schools: UMM Lecturers Implement Pancasila and Al-Islam Curriculum

Author : Humas | Wednesday, November 15, 2023 16:02 WIB
UMM Lecturers Develop Curriculum to Assist Rumaisa School (Photo: Special). 

The Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) team from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) collaborates with Rumah Muslimah Indonesia (Rumaisa) School in South Korea to enhance the quality of education. The team flew to South Korea and signed an MoU directly at the beginning of November.

Previously, they had designed and implemented the program in August through online training. They then engaged in direct service for a week there. The team leader, Arinta Rezty Wijayaningputri, M.Pd., explained that the program was created to enhance literacy based on Pancasila values and the principles of Al-Islam, focusing on faith, morals, and worship. Three educators went to contribute at Rumaisa School.

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"Throughout one week, we conducted training for the teachers there. The system we implemented follows a curriculum based on the principles of Al-Islam. This was done because we wanted to emphasize both Pancasila values and religious teachings," she added.

Arinta, as she is fondly called, mentioned that they felt compelled to assist Rumaisa School after observing the lack of a clear curriculum and effective teaching methods. Hence, the independent curriculum based on Pancasila and Al-Islam became one of the efforts expected to provide greater benefits.

"We applied literacy to children in the lower grade categories, namely grades 1, 2, and 3. We conducted weekly programs involving Quran reading and e-comics based on Islamic stories. Similarly, we used Indonesian cultural stories to instill values," she said. 

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She emphasized that creating and reading e-comics was one of the implementation programs for the teachers. This approach aimed to engage students in reading and enhance literacy. Arinta further added that the MoU collaboration between the two parties was seen as beneficial for the Indonesian-blooded generation and children studying in South Korea.

"We hope students there won't lose Pancasila values, Indonesian culture, and Islamic teachings. Moreover, we also hope this system can stimulate innovations in education, thus nurturing a golden generation as the nation's successors," she concluded. (*ri/wil)



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