Foreign Language Course Unit (KBA) of University of Muhamamdiyah Malang (UMM) during a Cultural Show and a Short Training of Foreign Language at Car Free Day (CFD) of Ijen street. |
AS a city of education and tourism, Malang City became a tourism destination and travelers from various countries. For that, residents in Malang City should be active people and be able to communicate with immigrants who speak in different languages.
Responding to that as well as an anniversary of the 103rd Malang City on April, the Foreign Language Course unit (KBA) of University of Muhamamdiyah Malang (UMM) held a Cultural Show and a Short Training of Foreign Languages at Car Free Day (CFD) of Ijen road, on Sunday (16/4).
UMM KBA Head Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, MM said that Malang residents were very important to learn foreign languages. "Malang City is not only a host for students, but also foreign tourists. In addition, modernity requires us to learn not only in local area, but also out to abroad," Harti explained.
In this cultural show, as many as 140 students of KBA showed performances from 6 different countries namely Korea, Mandarin, Japan, France, Germany, and Arab. It’s not only by watching the performance through the stage, KBA also set up booths for CFD’s visitors to study the six different languages.
"it is warming-up, an introduction for residents that learning language is mostly important. The law of learning foreign languages like sunnah muakad," Harti analogied.
It’s not merely an appereance, KBA students would also get an assessment. Later, the grade with the highest score would have an opportunity to perform on the inauguration that would be held in upcoming night May. (Naz)