The writer of "Radikalisme Agama di Indonesia" and "Gerakan Islam Non-Mainstream di Indonesia", Dr. Zuly Qodir, M.Si posed after the event of Book Talks in the office of Center for the Study of Islam and Philosophy (PSIF) UMM. |
Responding the rise of intolerantly religious behavior, the Center for the Study of Islamic and Philosophy (PSIF) UMM held an event of book talks reviewing two books of the phenomena of Islamic movementsin Indonesia, which are: “Radikalisme di Indonesia” and “Gerakan Islam Non-Mainstream di Indonesia”.
The event held on Monday (19/10) at the hall of AR. Fachruddin Mosque of UMM were attended the writer of those two books which is also an activist of Young Intellectual of Muhammadyah (JIMM), Dr. Zully Qodir, M.Si.
Zully said that, the more developed of the community, the possibility of the emergence of Islamic radical and Non-Mainstream Islamic movement also become higher. What is good is being Islam as kaffah, plenary. What is bad is the attitude of not giving a single thought for the others opinion,” said Doctor who was graduated from Gadjah Mada University (UGM).
In his opinion, there are lots of non-mainstream Islamic movements in Indonesia which have few members but very active and loud at provocating through their own media. Those movements, not only strongly survive among mainstream Islamic movements like NU and Muhammadyah but also tend to think that their group are the best and the most beneficial group.
The most unfortunate is, Zuly said, these non-mainstream movements didn’t study Islam from the expert that are scholars and ulama. “They study Islam from the google. However, they like to criticize another group which is studying Islam from the more authentic and scientific source,” he asserted.
Moreover, as Zuly assumed, Malang has been becoming an exotic city for the radical group recently! This is, he added, proven with some cases found by Densus 88 or by foreign researchers. As for Zuly, Malang can become the center of radical movement as city of Solo which became the research object of one of his book.
“I explained the result of my research related with the non-mainstream movements in Solo city and the Islamic political phenomena of 2014 election in my book,”” as asserted by Zuly which had written more than 15 books of this diversity phenomena. He thinks that there has been lots of Islamic religious events which have its political interests of certain parties.
Approving this matter, the Head of PSIF UMM and also the speaker of this event, Pradana Boy, MA(AS), Ph.D said that Malang has become the strategic area for the intollerant Islamic groups. This case, Pradana said, can be seen from the discovery of the intellectual actor of Bali bombardment, Azahari bin Husin in 2005 at Batu city, also the arrest of three ISIS suspects at Malang not too long ago.
As for Pradana, this book talks event is important for the people especially the university people which have the different understanding of Islam. “There are many Islamic groups which believe to have the rights to become religious spokesman, and believe their opinion is the most correct. It is another form of radicalism which imposes his own opinion. The difference in perception and the paradigm is somehow unavoidable though because we live in different era of Muhammad phropet, 1400 years ago,” asserted by him, doctoral graduates of National University of Singapore.
Every month, he said, PSIF UMM routinely holds Islamic studies such as seminar, book review, and also reviewing the result of research. According to him, Islamic non-mainstream cases haven’t not much academically discussed yet even the religious understanding of literacy and moderacy is absolutely needed. “It is as an anticipation for us to not trapped in religious absolutism,” said Pradana.
Most participants were pleased in attending this event due to the increase of their understanding of religious radicalism and Islamic non-mainstream movement. “It was really helpful. We can be more cautious to not fall into the movement of radical Islamic non-mainstream group,” said Nuril, a student of Communication Studies of UMM. (fid/han/t_rfd)